Your worst day?

I totally had mine today…
started with me breaking my busscard, so i had to pay for the buss… there goes my lunch!! :smiley:
So when i get home, my dad told me he got the new shoes, because he promised me some Nike Free 5.0 that i’ve wanted for a while, so I was really excited, but insted of them, i get some lousy ten dollar shoes that wont hold for a week ! YEY :smiley:
so i’m thinking, what can go wrong?
I talked to a friend about what tire i should get, and after thinking about it for a while, i decide to take the Monthy eagle claw 2.6! it seemed great, so today when i was going to order on where i always buy my stuff, it isn’t there, so i think, lets go with the next best! but the try-all is out of stock! wtf??

i went out to do some unicycling on a great place not so far away, and then after some minuites walking, i felt a raindrop in my forhead… i just got home, and it’s been proing down…

I havn’t got any answer from my sponsorship requests yet either… :frowning:

It’s Okay

Every body has their bad days and you just got to take it like a man.

Yea take it like a man, go hide in your room and cry. Right?

im taking it like a man as good as i can, what else is there to do when its raining that being on the forum? lmao i havn’t got enough cash to buy a gym to i can train inside…

If that’s your worst, then you are lucky. As I read your post, I was waiting for something actually bad to happen, such as…

“Then when I got home, my dad died…”

More than 95% of the world’s population would love to have just one day like the bad one you just had. It would be considered a blessing. Your whining is making the dogs howl in this country. Please quiet it down a bit.

a bu fucking hu…
i do enough for them allready, so i should be able to say my feelings without this :roll_eyes:

What do you do for them?

a bu fucking hu… to you too!

Greg, please. He’s obviously in a crappy mood because he’s had a bad day. Don’t make it worse!

i donate money at least once a year when people come with buckets, and if i get some spare change from some shop i put it in a box if there is any, i’ve been thinking a lot about the people not having it as good as me, but then again, i can only do what i can, i cant change the whole world, but i dont mean i dont do anything:)

and btw, my family is a… whats it called, send money to a child once a month, “fadder” in norwegian, you get it :wink:

+1 He needs a nice cold beer/ cider.

my worst day ever was the day i walked into the California gay marriage thread

My worst day was when JFK was shot. :frowning:

And I’m sure you remember it well. You weren’t even alive when Sid Vicious bought the farm.

Sid Vicious is dead?

And by the way, give the kid a break. If he wants to vent, let him vent.



My worst day?
When I torn my ACL playing ultimate frisbee.
No, the day after ACL surgery.
No, when my kid had to have surgery.
No, will be when I have to have MVD surgery.

never mind the good days far outway the bad.
My best days.
March 31st and 6th, the days Jackson and Maggie entered this world. Then its been good days and bad days, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

well, today was pretty crappy. I’m not in my schools yearbook. I did everything the teacher said that does the yearbook, its like wow… And then i also figured out that i never actually ordered my stuff…