This guy has spent too much time in the ecstacy thread.
Chyeah, I must have missed the part where everybody is happy.
Did you know suicide rates double during the holidays?
I’m just saying.
EDIT actually I decided to research this just now, and found out it’s apparently not true. So, whatever.
Christmas is one of my favorite times. There are always squabbles among family members, but that is to be expected. Overall, it is a happy time.
Now that I live halfway, across the country, I’d be glad to be in the house with my family for a few weeks even if they were all cranky. In HS, when I lived at home, this wasn’t the case. A matter of perspective, I think. Now that I no longer live with my family, I appreciate the holidays much more. Now, I think of holidays as a great excuse to fly home and visit. For me, it’s all about visiting the family & friends, and having some of my mom’s cooking.
I think the best part of Christmas time is that its a society-sanctioned time to stop working and visit your family. I think that’s important. Families should stick together and not grow apart, which can easily happen when its members are residing all over the country.
Well to review, it looks like a lot of people find christmas pretty stressful, especially the older ones. I suppose there’s no suprise there as adults are the ones who have to pay for it for the children.
I think it’s particularly nice for children but when you get older the presents get more expensive, or harder to find.
In the end, atfer all of the stress I think it’s paramount to have a good relax, a nice meal, and maybe if you’re lucky a nice gift to see you into the start of next year. Lets be honest - without christmas, whatever it is for different people, life would be that little bit more plain. It’s something to finish the year off nicely.
Drugs are nasty.
Don’t do them. They’ll ruin your life and every dream you’ve ever had. Maybe when you’re older and your brain/body are done developing.
Ok lets combine these two topics…
It’s from a sketch show called That Mitchell And Webb Look …
Matt, I think the problem most people are describing is that all of their families are falling into the “I have to work myself to death so I can buy a present for my daughter that she doesn’t really need/want.” You might not understand, because your family is cool with just being together, but there are still people out there who feel like they have to buy just because it’s that time of the year. My family is the same way. I only got one present last year that actually meant something to me, and surprised me…it was a big multi-picture frame from my aunt that had pictures from a trip I took with her and some other people last summer.
Naomi: We Americans are lucky to have Thanksgiving as a barrier…people/stores that start decorating for Christmas before then are usually ridiculed.
That’s exactly what I’m saying. The people posting that they hate the consumerism of Christmas are falling right into the corporations’ hands. Don’t support it, don’t denounce it…just ignore it.
I kind of don’t like Christmas. At all… But my family celebrates it so… you know. Whatever. I do kind of get pissed off by it. I’m not sure why. It’s not just people saying Merry Christmas to me like I’m a Christian or something…
Bah!! Humbug.
…I think you’re missing the point. They can’t ignore it, because everyone else won’t. Ntappin can’t spend time with his family because they’re so stressed out about it. Denouncing it isn’t “playing right into their hands.” It’s just expressing your dislike of something.
Christmas has become a time of year that I dread. I used to try to make the best of it, in any given situation. However, year after year, the holidays just get worse and worse for me. Bad things always seem to happen around the holidays.
It started with little things, like getting the flu over christmas. Or getting cast aside by my guardians when I was a kid because they wanted to make their kids feel special. Or when I still lived with my brothers before my dad passed and how they didn’t want to set up the christmas tree after my mother passed. Being separated from everything I knew, and moved accross the country to live with appointed guardians I barely knew. One year, I was living with an ex and found out 3 days before christmas that he had wanted to get re involved with his ex. I spent the holidays homeless and couch surfing among the few friends that were home for the holidays. This Christmas is by far the worst!!! And its not even Christmas yet! I’m so depressed by certain unfortunate events that just took place. However, I do not feel comfortable to post what happened at this point in time.
I am definitely ready for my luck to change. I must have broken several mirrors when I was a kid or something…
So… yeah, Christmas is not a happy time for me. I would much rather hole up in my bedroom and wait out the storm to ensure nothing bad happens.
Still waiting for Karma to come back around. I’ve experienced enough sadness in this world, its time for some happiness. Hopefully through Unicycling I can acheive great happiness. It seems that the people who enjoy unicycling are very positive and optimistic . I am hoping that some of that rubs off on me.
Yeah it’s halloween in the UK. I always feel slightly bad about the money my parents spend on me at xmas, which is ridiculous because it’s a drop in the ocean compared to what they spend on me the rest of the year, and a totally insignificant amount to them.
Are you looking for an older brother?
got one already
and to clarify, i meant in terms of education, housing etc. they don’t just give me random gifts or anything
I’ll be your older sister if you want one.
Wasn’t christmas popularized by the store merchants?
I love jewchristmas
Well ok, I worded that wrong. I’m not really blaming the people posting here and those like them, I’m blaming the ones who brainwashed them - the companies.
And in this case, yes, I think that denouncing them and declaring your dislike of christmas because of them is playing right into their hands, because they’ve convinced you that you’ve got an obligation to purchase their goods for your friends and family, whereas in reality, you don’t. The companies are winning.
Maybe my family is just one of the lucky ones…if so, that’s really depressing.
Well if you keep buying everyone and their dog something, then yes, they are winning. But denouncing it and actually doing something (or not doing something, in this case) about it isn’t playing right into their hands.