Your thoughts on Christmas.

Well it’s that time of year again.

What do you think of Christmas in general?

Are you a Scrooge?

Do you get spoilt all year round, or just at christmas, or not at all?

Are you happy with a few small gifts? Or do you take the idea for granted and really go to town?

Is what you get a surprise, or do you choose things yourself to make sure you get something you want?

Do you have a traditional christmas and do the same every year, or always do something different, or go abroad?

And finally, what are you expecting for Christmas this year?

Discuss :smiley:

unicycle parts and paintball gear
of course i always know what i am getting though :frowning:

yes i diden’t know there were other ballers on the forums…what kinda gun you got?

I paintball as well
setup (I’m a woodsball/scenario player)
Tippmann A-5
Carbon St!ffi barrel 16"
BT Apex tip
Palmer Male Reg
CO2 tank 20 oz
A5 M4 stock
E-Trigger w/ APE (25bps capable)

I love christmas. Lots of family that I actually like, awesome grandma-food, and a chance to relax. I don’t even care a whole lot about the presents - money’s always tight for us, so I’ve learned not to expect too much. But it’s not a bad thing. I love the togetherness that christmas brings.

im getting my new nimbus isis trials for christmas, but i like the feeling of christmas arriving alot.

Nice, im kinda both…more tourny though…

I got a 2k5 Autococker [wgp] Prostock, i got a dropforward and a freak barrel kit…its a mech (for now)…i got an Egg 3 loader and a pmi pure energery HPA tank with a Vforce Vantage [thermal] mask…

i dislike christmas quite a bit, i dont celebrate it, but i still dread that time of year. I think everyone gets way to spoiled from christmas and theres always a horrible shopping rush. I also don’t at all see how christmas even relates to Jesus’ birthday, it has become the holiday of spoiled brats and drinking. Everyone is stressed out before christmas, struggling to get everyone gifts. the only good thing about it is that we get 2 weeks off from school.

my prefered gun is a phantom
horizontal feed
and bottom lineing a 3.5 oz, soon to be a 13ci/3000psi tank

i am mainly a scenario player but i will play anything

an icon x (got for free from a raffle)
velocity jr hopper
9oz tank
the only thing i spent money on was the hopper and i got it for half off
kerosian- ever play scenarios at TAW Paintball? they rock, but they are west coast.

Paintball? Sissies. Get a SigSAUER P-220 and play painball.

Christmas is evangelical capitalism.

I’m a scrooge. I’m actualy really happy this year because I work on Christmas eve!

I just don’t enjoy it too much because everyone is always stressed out, particularly in my family. I don’t like being around my family when they are that stressed out, so therefore I don’t like christmas.

Plus I’m not religious, so I feel like I’m being pushed into a christian holiday by big money corporations. I much prefer birthdays because they aren’t all on one day, they are more spontanious, and therefore I see them as being uncontrolled by the big money.

I like the idea of gift giving and chilling with family and friends, but there is just sooooo much importance on it in general these days that I can’t take it.

Plus since I live at home and work full time at a decent paying job, I spoil myself, so for the past couple of years, I feel like my family feels obligated to get me what I want. Again I prefer a spontanious gift, but I know its really hard for them to buy things for me.

This year, I need a digital camera, a memory stick converter, and a couple other smaller things. I know I’m probably going to get these or money to buy them myself, and I feel kind of bad that it has come down to this.

Another problem is my family is pretty similar, so trying to find presents that are original and that they will still like, is like pulling teeth. Plus my Mom’s Birthday is like ten days away from Christmas and shes one of the hardest ones to shop for.

Everyone who’s saying that they don’t like the capitalistic aspect of christmas and the stress and whatnot…look, christmas is what you make of it. Any holiday is. Me and my family, we just try and get together, show some love, trade some thoughtful gifts, have a good homecooked meal, it’s just awesome. You all sound like you’re playing right into the hands of consumerism by denouncing it. Seriously, just ignore it, do what you want.

Nope, haven’t played there, coolest place I’ve paintballed at is in florida, they had a military training camp converted into a paintball arena. It was a small vilage with 2 story houses and underground sewers. Pretty sweet if you ask me!

theirs a place in orvile where i am playing a scenario next weekend thats amazing.
Travis Airforce Base.
might be the coolest place ever.
cause it is still an active militart base.
complete with carports

alright guys… go ahead and start a new thread on paintballing… just take it somewhere else k? this threads on christmas.

he’s right sry Jamessd make a new thread about christmas this is the paintball thread now:D Joking;)

But back to christmas, i get some stuff, not alot but it really bugs me when people ask me what i want, then buy me something way more expensesive than what i wanted that i DONT need…

Christmas for me is a mixture of the good and the bad. Sadly the bad far overshadows the good.
It lasts too long. Even the “twelve days” is a little excessive, but the commercial length is about three months. My town has had christmas decorations up for weeks.
It is symptomatic that we have a thread about this in November, although I am a little surprised it didn’t hit the forum in October.
So many of those who profess to be “green” forget all about being so when Christmas gets near. So much waste, presents people don’t actually want or need, cards to people who have been forgotten by all but the address book.
I hate shopping near Christmas, why is it necessary for almost every shop to belt out the old Christmas songs non-stop for weeks? Bad enough for my ten minute visit, but it must be hell for the staff.
Keep Christmas short, and keep it for the kids and for the religious.


I like Christmas. Everybody’s happy, and people come over and we have parties and my brother comes back with his wife, and we play games. And… I show off unicycling to my family, then juggling, then trumpet playing. And everybody thinks I’m the shit. Everybody’s happy, we’re all having a good time playing games, sledding, hot cocoa. Holiday spice pepsi. Giving gifts, getting gifts. I love it, it’s my favoirte time.

Everybody’s happy

That’s the best part.

Amen to that. That’s what the holidays are about. :slight_smile: