Name TEN most important issues on your agenda as president, (or as many as you can think of, in order of importance) and how you would go about accomplishing, and implementing each task. Your answer(s) may just reveal some new insights into your psyche…or maybe just confirm them, lol!
- Invade Iran (accomplished by making stuff up about stuff they are up to and stuff)
- Invade Iraq again (just to win their hearts and minds this time and to check the dipstick)
- Invade Afghanistan (just to check on the drugs and that, and the oil pipeline and things and that)
- Invade Vietnam (just to check on the funny hats and stuff)
- Invade Saudi Arabia (just to watch some of that cool car drifting on youtube for real)
- Invade Libya (just to see what they are up to and some such)
- Invade Panama (hats again, so shallow I know)
- Invade Nicaragua (drugs again)
I figured this thread might illicit some sarcasm in place of actual ideas. Psyche confirmed. (Btw, don’t ask me. I don’t pretend to know how to govern a city, state or entire country, but it sure seems that many of you do, so go for it!:D)
Sheesh, some people. I put a lot of work into that!
Yes you did, I thought it was creative. Your solutions are noted.
1 healthcare
2 give more money to public schools
3 begin to pull out troops from iraq
4 raise smoking age to 21
5 find and use alternate fuel sources
6 legalize marijuana
7 defend Georgia
8 limit off shore drilling
9 make rich people pay more taxes
10 limit amount of guns per household
I think i made a fairly good list.
I would bomb any school that graduates individuals who can not distinguish between “your” and “you’re”. Also among “there”, “their”, and “they’re”.
Oh hell, I’d also mail anthrax to schools whose graduates can’t spell “definitely”.
And just to satisfy Billy, I’d work to make Atheism the official religion.
I’d issue an Executive Order declaring black people “violent” and “lazy” so those 30 to 40 percent of white Democrats and Independents wouldn’t have to feel guilty.
Theirs moor but I definatly beter stop.
[Edit]: Apologies, Terry, I know you were trying to be serious.
Would you limit drilling in ANWR, too? Also, what age would legal pot be at if tobacco is 21? What would the gun limit per household be? When you say find and use alternate fuel sources, do you mean energy sources as well like solar, or just fuel, like biodiesel.
Otherwise, your list looks pretty much like what mine would.
You forgot to explain how and why you go about implementing your ideas.
Thanks for choosing 10 which makes it easy.
For i=1…10; Restore Amendment[i]
- Legalize all drugs and tax them.
- Put all the money going into fighting drugs into controlling them.
- Tax smokes, smokes, guns, and ammo more.
- Revisit NAFTA to find a way that works for both Canada and the U.S.
- Get out of Iraq and focus more on helping Mexico with its crime problems.
- Less taxes for poor more for rich.
- Lower drinking age to 18 or 19 either one seems fine to me.
- Legalize gay marriage and set up rules for divorce, adoption and the like.
- Tax breaks for adoption.
- Set free anyone in jail for a simple possession charge.
Damn! You got me there! I can’t believe I misspelled you’re in my thread title! I’m usually grammatically accurate, for the most part. Oh well, no excuse for being tired, but at least words in the actual post were spelled correctly.:o
PS: Also, the first sentence should have started: “Name the TEN most important…”
You must be a democrat?
My list is a little different.
- Finish the war in iraq
- Give more money to private and charter schools
- Make tobacco illegal
- Give money to programs that encourage science and math
- Start off shore drilling and in ANWR
- Lower government spending
- Use the death penalty
- Make abortion illegal
- Give money to adoption agencies
- Make all gay/lesbian unions illegal
Guess we disagree a little.
I lol’d. And I totally agree.
Wow. You must be a democrat. Making things illegal and giving away money.
WHAT??? Fixed it for me?
More like you killed if for me.
Guess we disagree a lot too!
- Start pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan.
- Socialize healthcare
- Start putting more money into good quality education rather than military BS
- Legalize drugs
- Legalize same-sex marriages all-freaking-ready
- Restrict drilling in ANWR
- Start seriously reducing our nation’s carbon footprint
- Increase the creative arts in our schools
- Stop subsidizing farms for not growing anything. Wouldn’t you rather see your tax dollars go to pay for farms to grow food and send it to starving people around the world, for free?
- Subsidize creative artists, like they do in Norway.
and a few things that aren’t as important…
Lower the drinking and smoking age to 16.
Make America clothing optional!
Take “In God We Trust” of our money already.
And have a special tax that goes to buying me new uni gear!!!
Guess im seeing a common theme from you guys:
Legalize everything!!! Drugs, booze, gay mairages, marijuana, underage drinking, you name it.
What’s up with that???
JC: Just communists! ;);)
- Drugs are fun.
- Drugs are a huge market that could be taxed but being illegal, just creates crime and funds violence and more crime. It has been proven that fighting drugs dosn’t work but drug education does. Put money into education. If we legalize drugs it will also take a HUGE chunk out of the gangs.
- Marriage is a right everone should have. You want to be married, so do I. You don’t have to marry a gay person. You get to marry who you want. That’s the cool thing about freedom.
- Weed is (forgive me Greg) AWESOME!!!
- If the drinking age is lower, it won’t be underage.
I wanna p-a-r-t-y!!