Young Unicyclers?

Hey Guys,

Am i the youngest unicycler in this Forum? I am 13 Years old…

Where are the other, young unicyclers?

I’m 14, so there!:slight_smile:

Many are probably sensible enough to be out unicycling instead of posting.

14 here :sunglasses:

beat you all

15, wait this is a young person contest eh? i’ll bash you good!!

im 15, but there are people in my club about 7.

What about King Muni Man. He must be of a young age!


(Edit: After searching a bit, i think King is 6! I could be wrong! :thinking: )

I am 15 years old but the youngest member of TCUC is 5 years old and I believe she started riding when she was 4.

-Ryan Woessner :slight_smile:

Hey! Im 15 too, If it matters…


I’m fifteen. There’s lots of fifteens.
I think King MUni Man is reeaally young, like 8 or 9.

I’m 42 but I feel 15.


15 hear you young whipasnapers

I’m 37 but feel 15.


25 years young here, but sometimes I feel 50. Generally after one of the longer MUni rides.

I’m 3 years old. I won’t tell how many times I’ve been three, decades are of no real use anyway.:smiley:

Dude, I know someone who’s three because she was born on a leap year day. Were you born on leap year day?
If you’re born on leap year day, do you need to wait 48 years to learn to drive, and 54 years to be able to vote, and 63 years to be able to drink?

I’m 50 and feel 25 sometimes, on a good day:D

Nope, not a leap year dude, the shrinks say that if you didn’t have a good childhood, you’ll have problems:( , so I waiting for a really good childhood before I get any older–I don’t want to have any psycho problems. So I fly kites, ride a tricycle and a unicycle and generally have fun, why else be a kid?:smiley:

14 and proud!

Re: Young Unicyclers?

I’m probably the youngest because I’m 10.

Brad Edwards

I’m 13 but sometimes I feel like I’m 13. Oh, wait…

Re: Re: Young Unicyclers?

Hehe, Congratulations!