you thought rollerblading was bad!!!

Scootering ugh its painful to say everyone ive ever met that scooters are the stupidest people ever they cover the skate parks yeet they try nothing at the skate parks but ugh omg this is horrible

i have the best fun on my scooter. no im not a scooterer(new word that now exists.) i live on top of this giant hill and i have one of those big wheel ones. i bend down the handlebars and sit on where your supposed to stand. then i cruise all the way to the bottom. i gotta get some photos its rad

There is a skate team near my house that has a scooterer in iit, the stuff he does is crazy. here it is for some reason he curses a bunch in it though so watch out.

grrrr scoooters lol idk its just me then but in calgary there all so mean and dont try anything

wow SCOOTERERS really remind me of another questionably athletic group skate boarders.

but seriously in every sport there’s people who just sit there and don’t try anything just much of the sport for friendship, when seriously we can all tell those people are fakers and we don’t really like them, soo booourns to them; boourns.

i say good day to you sir!

i used to be that good when scooters were cool. i thought it was going to be the next exetreme sport along with skateboarding, i even have a video of the team riders, and they all sucked, i was better. they probably just grabbed some skateboarders of the street, gave them scooters, and just told them to do stuff. scootering is not hard at all…

Who cares?

There’s one guy at the skate park who’s an amazing skooterer. For our next movie, we have a clip of him going up a half pipe, whipping the tail around twice, and landing.