You probably won't hear from me for four weeks...

You probably won’t hear from me for four weeks…

…unless I find an internet cafe or something like that because I’m off on the holiday I’ve been talking about. I was looking through the members section of this site before and saw that I’ve done 500 or so posts by now. This made me realise how much these forums (or fora maybe) have helped me out. I’ve had some big decisions to make over the last few months and everyone’s been very nice to me and really helpful.

Unfortunately I’m not allowed to take my unicycle on holidays with me but apparently in Montreal there’s some sort of a weekly circus skills workshop that I’m really looking forward to going to if I can. Apart from a few posts tomorrow morning and night, that’ll be it for me for a few weeks.

Have a great Christmas and new year and I’ll be sure to flood the forums with all sorts of observations I’ve made on the long, boring plane flights.

Merry Christmas,
Andrew Carter

p.s. I get two Christmas’

p.p.s. People flying in a Concord can watch the sun rise in the west because the plane flies faster than the earth spins!

Andrew on vacation…

So, hey…


If you can afford to fly on the Concorde, what’s with all the griping about the shipping costs from


Have a great trip!

Refrain from any negative statements about “clowns” while hangin’ out with the circus people!

Re: You probably won’t hear from me for four weeks…

What kind of a holiday is that?
I always take a unicycle with me when I take a trip.
I’m sneaking a unicycle into my luggage when I head over to Atlanta Georgia (hmmm close to for Christmas. I’m still trying to decide whether to take my 20" freestyle or the Monty trials uni. I’ll find out tonight when I pack.

Try sneaking a mini uni in your luggage. Maybe the parents won’t notic. :slight_smile: