Yoopers Banned from Walmart

I would mess things up more. Bruce is one of the nicest guys I know. If he were Catholic, there would be a St. Yoopers by now.

I agree Bruce is probably capable of working up a miracle or two but I thought Catholic Saints had to be dead first. I would like to see him around a bit longer for more mischief at Walmart.

In Bruce’s case, I imagine they would waive that requirement.

There’d be quite a bit of waving going on.

I’m of the opinion that it’s all done but Bruce just doesn’t like to use the title.

As a saint, I wonder if I would have more pull to hold off the rain this morning. The last time we had a huge yard sale some three years ago, it rained. Now it’s raining again on this of all mornings.

A staple in my medicine cabinet. Mary insists that I keep a good supply on hand.

if you were a saint you could make it rain fish!

I don’t hear him denying it.

Here ya go.

What can I say?

Thank you Wally Brown.


St. Bruce forgot his halo and holy object. (Why is there no Bruce on this list?)

st bruce.JPG

This thread is far to silly and immature for my liking. There is too much creativity, camaraderie, and tolerance as well. This is just conversation and this is serious business. Now buckle down or knuckle under or do whatever it is that serious folks do. Bruce was a canonized, WalMart employee decades ago. Why can’t you people just let go?

Oops, wrong holy object. This is better:

st bruce2.bmp (197 KB)

Yeah and don’t forget: ban sunken restoration torpedoes.

Rumors! Simply unsubstantiated rumors! How could you defame my good name like that?

me and my friend got banned from popeyes chicken because i guess popeye doesnt like unicycles in his “restaurant” as they said. even though its connected to a gas station and one of the dirtyest food places ive ever been to

You should of used the picture of you with a spoon on your nose.

The number one google result of St. Bruce

Jethro (Bill), Hopy you haven’t already left for UNICON. The Rev. Farley asked me to pass this on to you:

looks like the holy hand grenade(Monty Python and the Holy Grail)

Would I have to quit smoking and drinking?