!!! Yoggi don’t work anymore for koxx one!!!

Don’t worry, I was joking… I’ve said this so many times but I’, too lazy to get aggressive.

I forgot to put one of these little fellows in there :roll_eyes: or :astonished: or :thinking: or… oh you get the message :smiley:

google actualy did a pretty good job with that one.

Eh, people need to grow up. A little nudity never hurt anyone. It would be beneficial to society if people grew more accepting of nudity, like the French (not that I am particularly turned on by male nudity…).

People are too conservative nowadays…

+1 for you
i think people over the in the usa are way to conservative.
so what if you talk about sex and subjects like that.
its betther that you know whats its about than just do something you dont know.

perhaps i dont think the same as you people over there because i live in the netherlands and we dont make a problem about these things.

back on topic:
if someone knows more about this subject is there some more thats gonna chance?

yes, what’s wrong with a bit of nakedness… blokes maybe not, but the rest is good! I liked K1s stickers with the devil’s tit, just not on my uni. I want another one :slight_smile:

I must say th some stickers were pretty nice. Yoggi was good in that stuff (design), he did a lot for Koxx and to unicycling at all.

People may don’t like he’s style but he is a cool guy. I had problems with a koxx product that I ordered at UNICON and he was really calm and right to create a solution.

I don’t like to see he naked or anything like that, I’m grateful for what he did for the sport and I wish good luck on his new projects!

Now let’s wait to see what’s coming next from that guy:D He have a good “know how” and loves unicycling, so we can expect something…

+1! First time was funny, in the Unicon video competition, but once was plenty. :slight_smile:

I saw he dropping something nake in K1 DVD… Was enough… I will not watch the extras anymore!

Yoggi naked in the one was a very unpleasant surprise lol. I mean it wasn’t that bad, but some warning would of been nice lol. I can imagine some people would of been pretty offended by it.

I think when this sport is as young as it is we are still able to paint our own image into society on how others view us. I like the image that Kris Holm and others have been demonstrating to others with a very positive and respective attitude. A naked unicycle distributor doing jumping jacks and dropping his pants on the mini skateboard course kinda of makes us take a hit on the work we have put to seperate us from the vulgarity of other sports…IMO

Believe me, he sold unis because of that.

In France the most popular style is flat and a street. Street guys like to buy a fun image, underground, a lifestyle. Kris Holm sells unicycles because he have a great image, a great product and his name is famous in the entire world.

Koxx didn’t had the same appeal, so, they made an underground image, that worked well in France. Yoggi did it really well, because people don’t want to buy just an unicycle, wants to buy status and style. Koxx sells that.

I prefer KH image. He shows the underground and the extreme in a correct way.

In all extreme sports you have both sides. On New World Disorder there are two guys drinking beer before riding and doing sick drops without a helmet! That’s worse than a guy naked! But you have some guys with the right clothes and acessories in the same DVD.

I believe that we should try to make an image between both sides, to have the street guy who wants status and style and the guy who wants performance and security. That’s the best way to get space on midia and to get more and more riders!

Umm, I’m pretty sure that logic wouldn’t lead to several of Koxx-One’s unicycles being named after drugs.

It seems a shame he is leaving because at Unicon he seemed like a really good coach. He may not be the best role model, but he definitely did some good things as well.


Yoggi is a cool guy, I hope he stays involved in unicycling anyway.

Ive known this for about a month but wasnt sure it was completely true when someone posted it was just a rumour.Ive also been told yoggi is thinking of making a new uni brand by himself

Well it struck me as “odd” having a naken man in ads for a company for which the typical customer is a 15 year old boy…

But i have seen a video when Kris Holm is unicycling outside i bridge on a girder and i looked like ten times without discover any safety rope, and the bridge was more than 100 meter tall what i colud see, but it´s true it is not the same image as koxx one.

I don’t see a problem in that. On the start of New World Disorder DVD they say that everything is made by professionals and to don’t try anything at home!

For sure is dangerous, but he tried to show a skill: He can ride a skinny in ANY height…

For sure Yoggi is a pretty nice guy and he did a lot for the unicycle sport in the past and for sure in the future. Actually we organize together those EUC conventions so feel free to come to Cologne in January and to Buthiers in August to hav a a lot of fun together :smiley: