
does anyone here do yoga?
I’ve heard it helps with like running injuries and the like…and its supposed to be good exercise and relaxing and all that good stuff. read an article in it recently in Runners World magazine, so I’ve kinda been interested in it recently.
anyway, who here does it, if anyone? how would you recommend someone like me gets started in it?

ive done yoga before, i think its better just to do stretching normalling without any of the other crap they do if its the proventing injurys your afrer, Yoga is more about relaxxing.


Go for it yoga is great. Take a course. Start off with basic yoga.

Good luck Dave

i have been practicing yoga for a few years now… it is amazing!!! i would deff take a class, but dont take a power class for your first, you will be lost! yoga isnt just streching as everyone thinks, its mental test of your bodies abillity to,strech, hold and ballance in positions you never thought your body could do. it opens your spine for better flexibility, which improves your awarness. it will take a very stressful week and kick its ass… and when your practice for the day is over you wont even feel the past week at all!!! i am very pro yoga as you can tell! just try it and you will see why i love it so much! also yoga isnt really that relaxing it is very hard you will sweat and hurt, but by the end you will want more!!!

There are a few types of yoga that you might come across at various yoga studios or schools… some focus on spiritual practices, some can be quite vigorous, but a good style to start with is Hatha Yoga. Hatha is the “yoga of postures,” using various stretches and breathing exercises to unlock tension in the mind and body. Find a Hatha Yoga class at your local community college (cheapest option), check your local parks & rec center to see if they offer a class, or find a yoga studio (more expensive) at which to train. You shouldn’t have to pay more than $10 - 15 a session… and you should be able to borrow all the equipment you need (a mat, a belt and a block) at the class / studio.

I’d highly recommend taking 5 - 10 classes before doing yoga on your own. While it is a very simple exercise, it is best to learn how to get in / out of various poses to attain maximum stretch with minimum stress (on your joints / muscles). Once you feel you’re familiar with the poses, you can do yoga on your own… get a book from the library to help you choose a sequence of poses to perform, and make a personal routine for yourself. It’s easy!

You’ll spend a good deal of time in the first few classes just watching everyone else and trying to learn the poses, but if you get into a good class the instructor and/or fellow yogis will help you fine-tune your postures. Don’t feel nervous if you don’t know what you’re doing… and don’t be afraid to ask your instructor for help… it’s all for your benefit! A good instructor will talk you through the poses and help you relax at the same time. You should focus on relaxing in each pose… once you relax you’ll be able to stretch deeper than when you first enter a pose. You’ll unlock new flexibility in your muscles and joints with every session!

I took three things away from my yoga practice… the meditative practices I learned in yoga helped me relax in physically stressful situations (such as weightlifting or rock climbing). They also helped fall asleep much quicker, even after stressful days. I found that yoga helped develop my sense of balance… some advanced poses involve standing on one leg for an extended period of time and practicing these poses definitely gives you an enhanced sense of body positioning and control. I also gained a newfound familiarity with my body. Going slowly through some yoga poses, one learns to articulate muscles that worked only as groups before. I became able to sense imbalances in parts of my body… if I had more tension in one leg or another, or if my spine was out of alignment from bad posture or otherwise.

I’d highly recommend you try yoga! It can be quite addicting… some people get hooked for life :slight_smile:

Here’s another vote for Yoga.
And a note-to-self, I must really, really get back into Yoga.

Anyone here do any kundalini stuff?