i love to yo-yo…i suc…but i love to do it.
i like to yo-yo i am ok and im looking to buying a new one. I also love astr jax’s(they rock). This is off topic but does anyone juggle or play hackey sack(don’t take the hackey sack one perverted). i am geting in to both juggling and hackey sack.
Hey guys, I’m Brandon Baines (one of Kaycee’s friend who yo-yos). I’m sponsored by a company called YoYoJam (visit www.yoyojam.com and www.teamyoyojam.com), and live in the same town as Kaycee. I also unicycle a bit, but nothing like trials or anything. Just basic stuff.
I saw someone ask for a video. The one posted above is of Hiroyuki Suzuki (in the yo-yo community, we call him Mickey) and it’s the first place freestyle routine from Worlds 2005. Here are some of my yo-yo videos:
This video is called “Revelation”. It was the video that ended up getting me sponsored by YoYoJam and my first solo video.
This video is called “Nós Te Amamos, Whip,” which is Portuguese for “We love you, Whip.” This video is a dedication and tribute to my favorite yo-yoer Rodrigo Yokota (aka Whip) from Brazil. My friend Takeshi from Indianapolis is in it with me.
This last one is called “Dana House.” It is a parody vid with a lot of yo-yo community inside jokes, so most of you won’t probably get the jokes. Nevertheless, the tricks are alright. It features a mutual friend of Kaycee and me, Dana Bennett, and myself. It was actually filmed with Kaycee’s camera on a dark stormy night last April vacation. Thanks for letting us use the camera again Kaycee
Sorry to clutter your forum with yo-yo related stuff, I know this is a unicycle forum afterall. You seem like a very nice group of people here. If any of you are interested in yo-yoing at all, feel free to check out www.yoyoing.com and/or email me with any questions or whatever. My email is yoyobran@yahoo.com.
Take care guys,
Hey Brandon!, your videos are awesome. More entertaining that that one on youtube. And you are the best yoyoer ever
I yo yo on and off, need to more
I have a lyn fury and and a modded Element X. And the lyn is an awesome yo yo for the price, but I cant stand the o ring friction system.
I like to yo when I unibike
i can yo yo,true doin an around the world while riding your uni i did and smacked myself in ther eye,got a black eye from it
i done line 10 around the worlds,it was sweet
hello I am the yoyofanatic and i yoyo too I am sponsored by allyoyo
Tuffy says ‘Thanks for supper, Uncle Brian, sorry for biting that piece out of your calf’
dude freestyle yoyo is freaking sweet