Today, on an absolute impulse, I bought a yo-yo. I know Darren is an authority, but does anyone else yo-yo?
(Thanks to Tuffy for the modelling job. There’ll be extra kibble tonight!)
Today, on an absolute impulse, I bought a yo-yo. I know Darren is an authority, but does anyone else yo-yo?
(Thanks to Tuffy for the modelling job. There’ll be extra kibble tonight!)
Is Tuffy available for hire? I pay in Kibble
(nice yo-yo by the way)
I suck at yo-yos and that’s sad
(sounds like something that smart a** bunny would say)
Tuffy told me he thinks he’s better at Yo-Yo’s than you think… Oh and he told you to send me 20 bucks. My Buddy is pro at yoyos and has like a 75dollar cold fusion yo-yo that holds the record for longest sleeper.
Click Me! ---------O I can do some tricks but am very far from pro as my best trick is only the Hydrogen Bomb
i love to yo-yo. i got pretty good at it when i was 10. im a little out of practice but i still can do most of my tricks.
kind of off subject but has anyone played w/ astro jax? they rock my sox!
That’s random…
that you should ask. I joined the forum today and was just browsing when I noticed the post. I was actually Canadian senior champion for one year and I’m currently about 3rd in Canada, give or take. If you have a yo-yoing question, I’m the guy who knows yo-yo.
Don’t you have to be a YO-YO to ride a unicycle?
Yes I Yo! I am not ranked but I am known to do a few tricks. If you have questions ask the champ if you want to shoot the moon or lick the slug give me a holler.
I used to yo yo a lot, and I was okay at it. But the last time I tried was about three years ago, so I probably can’t do it much anymore.
what style do u yo-yo niggel? i usually do string tricks but i got into loop tricks for a while. never the best at loop tricks tho. i got 1st place in reno where i live for string tricks back in 1999. i should practice more…
i just gought a yo-yo, but its just some generic piece that sleeps for 5 seconds on the best throw possible
going to get one of these soon enuf
I used to, its a lot of fun…don’t really anymore though, too many useless hobbies.
just the other day i found my old yo-yo
now i cand do like almost and fancy dancy dandy tricks or any thing but i just like 2 yo-yo
and yesturday i was unicycling while i was yo-yoing
Its such a big cat though
Love !
I never learned to Yo-yo. But I just bought one from so I am going to learn.
Im not very good but i have a yoyojam LynFury yoyo.
2 of my friends are 2 of the best yoyo’er in the us/world. B3 is sponcered by YOYO jam an said the lyn fury is a really good yoyo that even he uses sometimes.
dang, you should post a video
Brandon (my friend who i bought the yoyo from abd unicycles) got 5th in that competition (Worlds)
I love to yo-yo, i even have a collection of about 50.
Lately i havent yo-yoed though, but i still know all the tricks, not by name but i can just do them, and i can almost do the invisable man =p