YO! chess on gameknot!

Hey Gild and BrianM, I challnged you guys to games.

Anyone else wanna place chess - I’m steveyo on gameknot.com

You have a challenge, I am not the best at the game, but would love to play…

Hey I am juggle508 on gameknot. I will challenge you all sometime but it might be a couple of days.

hi steve, i got your message, but when i moved my piece it said you had cancelled the game. I have also not heard back from GILD who is teetering on defeat with the flurry I am about to release, although he can’t yet see it.

I wonder if that site is wonky.

I am about to challenge steveyo to a new game.

edit: me and steve are still on

I don’t really get how to play. Do you have to refresh a new screen every time to show your move? Also what does it mean for it saying move per days and it says like 3? Just wondering.

using gameknot

Go to your “games in progress”. Unless you change it, games allow 3 days per move. If a player A takes longer, then player B wins.

in your dreams bigboy, this isn’t harper u’re toying with…

i don’t have access over the weekends but i’m back and i’ve moved
i’m waiting for the flurry…

Thanks SteveYo, what a fun way to play chess!

You make a move, and wait for an email with a link to the board with the oppenents last move displayed.

I’m generally on the computer, so if anyone else wants to play…



So there was this chess compition in a hotel lobby.
After a while the chess enthusists started bragging about who was the best.
After a while the maneger came in and told them they all had to leave.
"Why?"they asked.
“Because”,he said.
“I cant stand Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.”


somthing came over me…

so what happened to our game then?

I don’t usually get email notifications of your games, I have come across the game waiting for my move by coincedence when I go the game from a notification for steveYo’s game.

It is always quite a long time between your moves, I just figured that’s the time you were taking?

we seem to kinda miss one another by a fair margin
i havent’ been getting the email notifications either
quite irritating

On gameknot, click on “my games”

If you (Gild) don’t see a game w/Brianm, then you don’t have one and it wasn’t started, for some reason. One of y’all challenge the other to a new one.

That’s generally when I find his games.

Your moves always come with a quick email. His don’t

Me and GILD started a day or two before me and you, and we only have about 1/3 or the moves