Yikes and Trikkes

I’ve recently added two items to my Wish List.

  1. A new 27, 28, or 29-inch uni with a fat tire so I can try to keep up with the real riders on our distance excursions all over Minnesota.

  2. A Trikke. I hate to revert to three wheels, but it really looks like fun!

What do you think?


I think you’re a really odd person and I can speak with authority because I have 3 Unicycles and a Trike (Windcheetah Club Sport).

The only problem is that the number of wheels is even and if I get another Unicycle then I’ll have an even number of Uni’s. Sigh, being odd is so hard. :sunglasses: :astonished:

The Windcheetah (link) is fast, fun, and cool - James Bond would like it; I’m not that good at it and I do 25 MPH on the flat and have had it over 35 MPH (hill). :sunglasses:

That’s cool!

Here’s what I’m looking at.


Very cool! :sunglasses: Looks like FUN

you could always get a two-wheeler

For some reason when I saw the trikke advertised at 3 am on my cable tv it made me think total scam.

If you get one be sure to let us know if its actually a good scooter or not.


When I rode the Honolulu Century, a bunch of the riders were riding these:


It does look like fun, but my back is starting to get sore just watching the video. Do the handlebars raise so you’re in a more upright position?

I’ve got 2, it’s so hard being even . . .:wink:


I thought so too. Looked like a scam item to me. But after searching some web sites, I don’t know. It might be interesting.

It says it goes up to 18 mph! My best speed on my 27-inch is about 6 mph.

Can’t imagine weaving around the neighborhood on a Trikke. It would be a sight to behold. I don’t look quite stupid enough on my unicycle.


Trikke 8

The chap in the adjacent cubicle to me at work purchased a Trikke 8 about four months ago.
After being impressed by the infomercial, i wanted to try and build one, but after searching up the patent and looking at how suprizingly complicated it really is, i just talked him into buying one so i could ride it for free!

It’s a surprizingly fun little toy, no uni, but fun none the less.
it takes a fair amount of skill to be able to move comfortably, getting the side to side humping motion down seems to be difficult for some. those people also find unicycling hard, go figure…

you can get going fast enough to feel unstable, and there are all kinds of tricks to be done. i can spin on the two rear wheels almost endlessly, manual, bunny hop, bar spin, 180, manual on one rear wheel… the seperate brakes for each rear wheel allow all kinds possibilities for tricks. even some trials.
i can shuffle my way at an angle up about ten or so long stairs. going down stairs at an angle is also fun.

it’s no uni, but for around 200 bucks you get a fair amount of product, if you’re looking for somthing fun that will get some attention i’d highly reccomend picking one up.

the only downside is the folding mechinsm. seems a bit weak at the pivot point and there is some play in it, but hasn’t broken yet and we’ve beat the hell out of the thing.

Re: Trikke 8

Wait a year or so, I bet, and they’ll be unloading at $15-25 like the Razor scooters.