chuckled a little…
Looks very smooth, I wonder if they’ll make a Muni version?
I have been dreaming of that: a Muni where you pedal and do the usual things except that you gather energy for the next steep incline and oops the electric gear helps you going up!
Oooh, KERS on Uni?
Love the way you think.
kind of Seegway but with just one wheel, cannot be called a unicycle because no pedals at all !
I’m not sure there’s anything in the definition of a unicycle that suggests it must have pedals.
Uni - one
Cycle - wheel
Sounds right. Like a motorbike is still called a bike.
Or it could be a motoruni.
Actually I’ve heard it’s already been done. If my memory doesn’t fail, our beloved AnneSo talked about Justin who used such a device for a uni road-climbing race and blew out the previous record (if it wasn’t considered cheating).
The device also worked as a break on downhills AND re-filled the battery.
Maybe a little search on RSU archives will tell you more (or maybe on the french forum).
Or was all this a lovely dream?
Nope not a dream, I’ve ridden it and it works rather well. On rolling hills it’s pretty efficient, Justin said that if you only use power on the hills (and use the regenerative breaking on the downhills) you should get a range of about 150kms.
In a race it would be considered cheating by any existing unicycle rules. But outside of that environment it would just be considered AWESOME. It’s a very cool machine!
For racing, Justin’s created his own category so for now he’ll have to race against himself.
Gotta love LiPo batteries, they make the wackiest inventions possible.
Is it possible to imagine that this design be changed for Muni with everything in the hub (motor, battery, brakes…). we do not need 150km for muni so a smaller battery could do …
Yes, and while you’re at it, a tent, a wine cave and a microwave hoven might be usefull.
Of course this machine would provide internet acces as well.
as a matter of fact I have a design for a uni with a wine cave in the hub!
and how about a bet (a good beer) that it IS possible to get everything in the hub (except the tent and the microwave :D)
You KNOW you can count me in, don’t you?