i finally got someone hooked on unicycling! one of my friends in town practiced for just 2-3 hours, and can already freemount and go 25yards!!
one of his friends is kind of interested too. but , any how, he started riding my 20" trials, and torwards the end he tried my 24" torker lx and said it was easierto ride, do you notice you or other people prefer 24" over others? my 9 yr old bro learned on a24, but actually needs a 20" to fit him right.
hey, i was also wondering you know all those fat kids that dont do anything? (no offense:) ) if we could get pros sponsored to do demos in small towns for enrichment and to spread the word of UNICYCLING!!!, thatd b cool, so yeah.
I got 8 of my mates, and my sister to learn
That would be great. but you wouldn’t need pros.
Put up a few props then do some moderate trials lines an a few tricks. Do it for free and get your LBS to help promote it.
then you just gt a kh to prove you uni mafia status
I sure did!
now they’ll all get K1s abd rebel!
Yeh 2 of em already have lol
I know uni phycology! … yesss!
The hazmat epidemic is spreading (even if its not) just like when me and my lady friend convinced 10 people to buy Nimbus trials, UW 28" and a BC.
I have got 6 of my friends to learn to ride, unfortianatly none of them are nearly as good as me so riding with them isnt as good as I feel it should be
I don’t see that as a bad thing because you can teach them well so someday they will be as good as you and then the fun can begin.
yes I can teach them all I know which can make me feel good but it also can become annoying. I dont think they will ever be as good as me because as they improve I seem to improve far faster.
ps: Although it may seem, I am not being big headed I am just trying to state the truth.
pps: If that sounded big headed, it wasnt.
thanks for your understanding
Im sure you know what I mean realy though, dont you?
I understand, but don’t ride enougth to relate :o
I get what you are saying. The club leader of my club is really good and even though he teaches us stuff hes always getting better than us and learning a few tricks for every one I learn. And his hops are amazing and I dont think i will ever be able to match him.
Its exactly the saem with me. I teach them, but I learn more at the same time, and hardly any of them are as enthusiatic about it as me, sadly… thats why you might notice me and ‘‘jim the it technician’’ are the only ones on these forums from our group lol.
I’m teaching my girlfriend how to ride and I took my unicycle to a barbeque at my work a week ago I got about 3 of my co-workers and their siblings hooked, and one of them bought one the day after the barbeque and has been riding since and is doing very good. my girlfriend can ride almost indefinately with support and about 5 feet without support…