Year in Video (Duncan Matheson)

My year in video.
I think it gives a pretty good display of my riding with a good variation of clips.



cool vid

That was amazing :astonished: I couldnt believe my eyes when you dropped from that building to rail.Seriously i lol’d so hard the first time i saw the video

Amazing video. Breath taking camera work too. Amazing song and edit. Loved the suicide dismount.

My personal 5/5


i’m confused…

Haha me too. What “drop from building to rail?”

1080 drop from building to rail*

Looks like you almost did the rope trick. lol. Nice looking rolling 3spins for a year’s riding.
1080 drop to rail was pretty sweet, though.

Nice little video, loving that 1080.

it was a 540.

Yep, nice looking rolling 5spins for a years riding.

whatever hahahahahaha

Hes done nicer rolling 5spins than that but he hurt himself and just went with that clip

Ah, I thought it could have been, but then paused it over and over and it looked like a 3spin. But now I did it again and it’s a 5spin. So, really nice 5spins for 1 year of riding. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sorry but I didn’t see any dropping from a building to a rail.

That would be my crappy cameras fault and the best way to count the number of rotations is by looking at which way the handle is facing before and after

I do love a good typo!:slight_smile:

hahaha ill edit that lol