43.3% of my posts were in RSU
39.1% of my posts were in JC
2.5% of my posts were in Product reviews
4.1% of my posts were in Trading post
10% of my posts were in Videos
0.6% of my posts were in Articles and tutorials
0.4% of my posts were not in any of the above [/B]
So you mashed a bunch of keys and clicked some button 1,000 times and now you think we should have a parade? I bet you ask your mom for an ice cream sundae every time you use the toilet “all by yourself”!
Tell me, Sonny, what is so special about these 1,000 posts? Did you write some Pulitzer Prize material? Spread words of hope and inspiration? Or have you just been blabbing about some goo you found under your big toe?
The first “attaboy” I ever got from my Pop was after I dug 100 feet of trench to keep our driveway from washing away after every storm. Right after that “attaboy” I had to go out and dig another 100 feet! Had I stayed home and wrote 1,000 postcards to random strangers, he’d have whooped me until I couldn’t sit down anymore.
In my days we didn’t get an “attaboy” for playing with our toys. We had to go outside and do something that made a difference. Why don’t you try doing something meaningful with your life, Sonny?
Actually, this guy is funny. But perhaps he should be more tactful and selective in the future. I would not be surprised if ‘Grampa’ was somebody’s alias.
I was going to give you a hard time, and without hiding behind a “spare” alias. But then I looked and noticed I had just made my 10,200th post. Woohoo!
I’ve had a head start, of course, but you’re creating way too many threads. My percentage of threads I started is 0.65. Where did you get the rest of your statistics? Does the site cough them up for you, or were you just bored?
Grampa, you smell like a nursing home.
That totally made sense… not. Just because we’re into the next century we can’t talk about the last one? Why, back in my day, 1000 posts would have meant 1000 trips to the mail box, and 1000 stamps! Blecch!
Search > Advanced Search > Search by user name, Show results as (X)Posts…( ) Threads, Search in forum(s) > Whichever forum i wanted.
Then i took the post count and divided by 10 because 100 X 10 = 1000.
well im thinking that he is a better man then you sonny. If all you can do is yell at younger people then you about how wrong the way there living is, then i advice you take the stick out of your butt that has you in such a bad mood, no ones lifes are getting better by your yelling at them.