Just wondering if any of you have Halo 3 and Xbox LIVE. My gamertag is “Pillow Sparten”. I play Halo 3 ODST Online lots.
Add me =D
Just wondering if any of you have Halo 3 and Xbox LIVE. My gamertag is “Pillow Sparten”. I play Halo 3 ODST Online lots.
Add me =D
Just wondering if you’ve ever heard of the search function? It helps you not look like a noob.
Ysomad? It’d be good to have an updated thread.
Me: The LulzMonster. Halo 3 all the way.
COD and PS3 are way better.
Hey trevor, whats your psn? Mines uniryan
I have no idea what anybody is talking about.
cocdocdocodcodcodocdocodcodocdocodcodcod is all I hear these days.
OMG…me too.
But i don’t have it
COD is is old news. Everyone is playing Halo: Reach. Including me. Yes I am better than you. You are shooting at my decoy, and yes, I did see that muzzle flare. BOOM! Headshot.
The new COD comes out later this year, and if you haven’t been a Gold Skull70(Prestige 10) on MW2 for at least 6 months then you’re way behind the curve.
Meh i couldnt be arsed prestigeing so stayed level70 3rd prestige