xbox 360

i want to get a 360, but ther’re really expensive…:frowning: does anyone no where i can get a cheap(used maybe?) 360?

i know whwere you can get one for free

your neighbors living room, Your under 18 if you get caught your only gonna do like 2 months in juvy and some comunity service

Oh by the way if i were you i wouldnt listen to my advice :wink:

lol :smiley: good idea

You could wait, the price is going down a bit, but it is worth every penny :smiley:
And I think its worth getting the one that comes with memory because you’ll spend alot if you buy the core system :smiley:

Or you could buy one on ebay, I got mine on ebay for about $100 cheaper but you could have problems if you get a used one

you can go to gamestop and get a refubished one with 20 gig HDD and warranty for like 280 USD

I would not recommend buying off Ebay at this point…any 360s on Ebay that are cheaper than they would be in a store probably have something wrong with them.

Get a warranty. my friend has took back 5 or 6. they break alot…

Wrong. I’ve had mine for years and not a thing has happened to it. It all depends on the position of the the xbox, and HOW MUCH ROOM IT HAS TO BREATHE. People make a huge mistake in assuming the 360’s are just a regular piece of gaming system…wrong. It’s a freakin computer and needs lots of space for the fan to allow proper ventilation and run a steady temp.

All those kids that have blown up xbox’s were just that…kids. They don’t take care of their stuff in the first place so why would they take care of a $400 game system?

Sorry I went off like that on the subject, it just annoys me when people are all like, “Yeah don’t get that 360, their junk”.

He is very right. Many of the 360’s on ebay or more than likely defected ones that were no longer under warranty. You could order one… but when you try and turn it one…you get the “Red Ring of Death!!!”

Spoiled kids these days all I have is a 52% working PS1.

Edit: It has had 4 owners including me. :smiley:

Hes got it standing upright, in the open, with a fan running on it. Hes obsessive about keeping his games and systems in perfect condition. Theres no way that its his fault.

The problem that the older 360s had were weak non-lead solder, new 360s have lead solder, so no more “Red Ring of Death”

?! Wierd, my friend had a fan on his 360 and for some reason his went through the same problems. He was all into the whole, “Don’t scratch my games bro”, kind of attitude. Haha, how ironic :roll_eyes:

O well, glad thats not me:D

I’ve taken mine back twice. Just got it back tonight actually. But, you don’t need a warranty, becuase it has a 3 year one now. Lucky me, mine broke the day the extended it.