xbox 360 gamers?

Hi guys

Besides unicycling i like to play xbox in my spare time and i was wondering if there was any people that wanted to play it would be also nice to talk to some unicyclists. My gamertag is DICIPS77. Feel free to share your gamertag or add me.
Thank you


I play Halo fairly often.

Killer H3AD5HOT
it was for a clan we all had something H3AD5HOT.

anybody got a clan send me a message on gamebattles my names Killer_H3AD5HOT

Yup, I’m on X-Box Live, LURCHENSTIEN


Got a 360 recently, my gamertag is Unicyclist Ag, feel free to add me.

Now Im tempted to get Xbox Live gold :stuck_out_tongue:

I Used play COD4 Alot, but I changed accounts a few times… I dont know… I dont want to get it ( GOld) because my brother Might Move :stuck_out_tongue:

Been playing a lot of online multiplayer on that LOTR: Conquest demo off of XBLM, if anyone’s interested in playing together some time.

The new street fighter looks amazing. Just putting it out there.

Tu4d ala Flambe

I came up with it when I was half asleep and had to do the leet 'cos it wouldn’t let me have turd:(. I mostly play Halo3.

I added you, Fooby. Does Dan have one?

I did, but my xbox 360 broke and microsoft never fixed it:(
but if I ever get a 360 again my gamertag is samwiiSlayer177. I’m always (or was always) on halo 3.

Oh and fooby, your medal chest for halo 3 is damn impressive. How the hell did you get killpocalypse?!?

Thanks, I got it in Grifball, I was so close to getting killionare!

Dan does have one, but there would be no use in adding it, he only uses it online to bring his 360 to my place and download the free stuff because he has a tiny download limit at his place.


Anyone want to play some COD4 or Skate 1,2 , or even Guitar Hero 2,3,4?

I got a few hours…

iElite Z

is my gamertag. I play Halo a lot, and I used to be on an MLG Cod 4 team. Sometimes I play GH3 too. I want to get skate again, I haven’t played in a while but i sold it =(.

I mostly play skate. If anyone wants to play, let me know.

Skate 1 or 2? I love that game.

hey. I dont feel like going through the pain to add everyone, so my gamertag is"Mucho Mackling"

i mainly play halo 3 and skate 2.

gonna get forza soon so… yeah.

add me if you want, just tell me who you are when you do.

I’ve said it once before in this thread, but I’m just gonna repeat, my tag is Unicyclist Ag. I don’t play a whole lot of anything except for the occasional day where I don’t have anything to study (very rare), but once finals are over in May I’ll be on more…though probably playing Oblivion. :stuck_out_tongue:

If I am on, it’ll probably be Halo 3, social slayer.

I am almost always playing spot battles on skate 1. But I have skate 2 aswell, I haven’t played it as much though, and I haven’t played it online at all yet. I much prefere skate 1.

If you want to play, I’ll give you my gamer tag.

Hit me up for some cod4 or whatever, gamertag is Kerosian.