How would you guys feel if they put unicycling in the X Games. I would say yes I think it would be awsume.
There could be 3 differnt types Trials, street, and Muni which means Mountanin unyclcling im not sure if you could do that in the x games thoiugh so 2 i guess
Extreme unicycling isn’t extreme at all. After watching the videos from Fluck, you can bet no one out side of unicycling would want to watch the contest…hell, I couldn’t even stand to watch the contest.
If trials biking ever made it into the X-games, unicycle trials might have a chance…but even trials biking isn’t very “X-treme,” not enough for the X-Games atleast.
If you mean the street comp, then I’m with you all the way. I was actually there, I was slightly drunk, I was tired and had nothing better to do and I still found it rather boring.
It’d be much better if they actually landed the tricks they were attempting and din’t try them three times in a row…
Muni is definitely an “extreme” sport–when it’s done correctly. So is trials and some street. As long as you’re pushing the limits of what can be done on a uni/MUni, that’s “extreme”. Also, I consider big, high-risk stuff like 6+ foot drops and gaps, as well as hopping up a super tall stack of pallets “extreme”.
The general public would not only consider these examples VERY extreme, but probably they would think it MUCH more impressive than anything done on a bike, with the possible exception of a 100’ ramp jump! I would wager that if you had a large crowd of average folks, young & old(er), the majority (by far, if not ALL) would be watching a guy doing extreme trials and street stuff on a uni, vs a guy doing equally extreme stuff on a skateboard, bmx or rollerblade etc., no question.
Even if a large portion of that crowd were skateboard/bmx fans, they’d still be watching the Uni stuff, if for anything else because it’s so unique, awesome and a breath of much needed fresh air for the X-games! That fact alone would be proof that the UNI belongs in the x-games.
I heard something about them trying it a couple years ago but not enough people watched, idk if thats true, but in the future when unicycling has had enough time to develope it could have a chance. In trails or muni, idk about street, unless it was big street.
While I like your enthusiasm, Terry, I still doubt that people would rather watch “extreme” unicycling as it is now than top-notch BMX or skateboarding as it is now.
This isn’t to say that unicycling as it is now doesn’t have some potential - but the only real areas I can see making it into the x-games is street and trials, and they’re gonna have to get a lot bigger to catch the general public’s attention (i.e. grinding a 20-set rail or gapping 7-8 feet consistently). It’s possible, but will take time to be seen as a reality.
Bike trials is very “extreme” How is gapping 5ft or whatever to a rail not extreme? I think it is even more “extreme” than a lot of the sports they have. There are just not enough people riding who are able to do the more “extreme” stuff just like uni. I think people would love it even if we didn’t have as much air time. I know all the kids at the skate park were impressed when I dropped into a 6-7ft half pipe. Also when I kind of grinded.
Bmx get giant air time compared to unis, they can do all sorts of shit in half pipes and they are way more consisten, from what I’ve seen. Good bmx rider can go busting tricks for ages without missing anything, top uni riders UPD on every third one(if you’ve seen Fluck street comp you’ll know). If you want to put on some kind of extreme show having all these UPDs all the time just won’t cut it: they’re boring to watch. You need more consistency, more speed and more showy tricks.
Well being a pro uni rider at this point in time isn’t huge considering the sport itself is new and young. With time we shall grow along with our sport bmx has had years and years to do such.
the x games dropped inline skating because it was too boring. unicycling has no chance. while it may be “extreme”, it doesn’t come across that way on camera unless you do it.