
I’ve just set up a new website for all unicyclist to use as a gallery for all their unicycling pictures, a lot of the pages aren’t set up yet as it only went up yesterday. please have a look at www.unicyclepics.co.uk and send me any picture you want to go up. There will be lots of information about the schlumpf going up in the next few week and i am also trying to set up an up-to-date unicycle club list and contact details, so if you know or run a club near you please send all details to me at UniPics@hotmail.com
lots more to come. :slight_smile:

Looks nice. You have a trials pic as the thumbnail for your street pictures section…I know it’s picky.


Good site.

Is it just my comp or is it the site… it seems that the gallery thing sometimes appears in wierd area’s and you can’t click on the links


Thanks everyone for taking the time to have a look and reply, i’ll sort out the trials pic thumbnail, well spotted by the way, i haven’t got many street pics yet so if you got any i could use that would be much appreciated! i’m not sure about the gallery thing, do you mean the menu bar at the top? it might be a glitch with the site, what browser are you using? e.g. firefox, internet explorer…
Cheers again everyone
Pete :slight_smile:

This is a pic of dan doin a tire grab off cliffs. Shut up, its real. (photoshopped)


That’s a very cool photo, but if it is actually a single scene, as photographed, the Photoshop work has made it look utterly fake. The lighting on Dan doesn’t match the rest of the scene at all.

Also I think Dan is still alive, so I’m having trouble believing this is a real scene.

Maybe there should be a separate category for doctored photos? Not ones that were cleaned up, corrected or color/exposure enhanced, but ones that are artifically put together.

john it was fake adobe.

Huh slight white spot


good idea!

yep i like that idea alot! I’ll start working on page for doctored photos. i’m also planing on doing a page for UPDs so if anyone has any pics please send them to me at unipics@hotmail.com i haven’t received any pictures yet, so if you have any please send them in! if anyone knows of, or runs a club near them please send in the name, address and any other info so i can create a club map.
Thanks again

You can take the few i have posted by saving them. I have loads of uni pics but dont really have permission to use them as such. It should really be the people who took/made them to send them in…


that’s a good point, please don’t send in any pictures unless you have perission or took the picture your self. also anyone that send pictures in could you also send a little bit or info, like who took it, where it was taken and who’s on the unicycle.:slight_smile:

getin pics to me

you could post your pictures on this thread if that’s easier, as it can be a pain email lots of picture. also could you put a brief description so i’ve got something to put under your pics. :slight_smile: