I have fianally finished all the upgrades of my site www.muniman.2ya.com
The other one was pretty boring so I decided to totally re-do it. I didn’t change that much, but I got rid of the yellow and changed the entire template. Anyway please take a look and tell me what you think. Any comments are greatly appreciated.
:: www.muniman.2ya.com ::
looks cool, i like the layout…if only i remembered html i might make myself a site too
I have just properly (not using code) resized the thumbnail images on the ‘Gallery’ Page so they should load A LOT faster now.
Also with the links in the navigation bar… I have designed them so that when you hover over a link the red box turns green, a hyphen appears next to the link, and the underline goes away from the actual link - that is what it is supposed to do, and what it does on every computer i’ve tried it on. But apparntly on Pete Marchants (pete66) computer when he hovers over the link the hole box just goes red. Could anybody please tell me if you get this aswell. Thanks.
Those gallery pics work a lot better now, I think. On my computer the navigation bar thingy does what it should do. The underline doesn’t disappear until you hover over the actual text rather than the box.
You think?
Yeah the underline only goes away when you hover over the text, so thats normal. But just so everyone knows the hole box is the link so you dont have to click the text