I just discovered this website. It hasn’t been updated since Jan. 2001. What’s the deal?
As far as I know, that is Carl Hoyer’s website. He had the name mountainunicycling.com around the same time MUniac.com started. Scott Bridgman built up MUniac.com so strongly as a source for MUni, Carl had nothing to work with in creating a site for muni. The last time I checked his site, it looked like it had turned into his own personal site. That was over a year ago.
BTW, Carl is a great guy and a great rider, maybe he’ll be at the Cal MUni weekend, this year. He was there last year.
still i wish Carl would have gone on with it.it would be nice to have another place to post once in while besides RSU.a place like Muniac.com but without the crappy attitude twords new idea’s.
I do agree Carl is a great rider, and again I do agree I wouldnt mind seeing him keep up his page.