
Does anyone know when beford unicycles.ca should be up? I’ve been waiting for about 3 months and nothing has happened yet!

I’ve been waiting for over a year.

will darren ever get it up? I dont see whats taking him so long? Id love to support a fellow canadian in a unicycle business, but i just wanna order off credit card, and i dont think he could do that without his site running.



To be honest though, there really is alot involved with getting an e-commerce site up and running, security, credit card fraud, additional costs, etc…

Perhaps he is not all that interested in online orders, and prefers the old fashion check or cash system.

However, I sure would like to see at least a current catalog of some sort.

They are separate issues. You don’t need an e-commerce site to be able to take credit cards. Serious Juggling can attest to that, as can thousands of businesses that had (and still have) the ability to accept credit card orders via the phone.

I e-mailed him on thursday, so when I find out his answer I’ll post it here. It would be way better to actually see pictures of what your buying instead of looking at just a list of prices!

Darren has some pictures of some of his unicycles and stuff in his webshots gallery:
Bedford’s Webshots gallery

Cool, thanks! I still haven’t got a e-mail back from him!

Its 2011 and its still not up!!! I talked to Darren when I visited the shop he said he’s not finishing the website cause he doesnt want work to become over run with orders.

I thought it was 2012 :stuck_out_tongue:

Ruugght! Too much money can be a BOG problem. :sunglasses:

im not sure about credit cards, but he takes paypal. just email him. i personally do not think the site will ever be up :stuck_out_tongue: even the price list is from 07 lol! however darren’s a great guy. he travels a lot so he might be away right now which is why he hasnt replied to your email.

Darren prefers to run his business off-line. To deal with him you contact him, the website will not likely ever be done.

Darren is old-school, with a personal touch. Don’t be put off by the lack of a web site. An e-commerce web site is way too much work to set up and maintain for the type of volume Darren works with.

I like Daren’s approach. more people need to realize that sustainability does not necessarily need growth.

And I liked dealing with him the few times I bought things from him. He definitely went above and beyond for me and I appreciate it.

Visiting him at his shop is the only thing that can make a trip into Toronto worthwhile (if you are a stubblejumper like me).

^^^phone ahead first, otherwise he probably won’t be there!

Agreed, I’ve bought from Darren before, and the only problem is wondering if the prices are accurate… It’d be nice to know how much I have to budget for my next uni without calling him first :wink:

Having said that, he’s a great guy, with awesome service. There’s a reason I ride a Bedford :wink: