Cause we don’t have one here. Makes forums better. Obviously NWS. (not safe for work)
participate or not, i don’t really care. I’m starting this off with something that isn’t really nws so it’s k. I’ll also give you guys a buffer just in case.
Graham, though I do appreciate OTN, this is not. Period.
This thread does not make better, it makes it worse.
I politely ask you to stop where you are, since anything added will not be deleted since we’re self-moderating. Seriously, stop, think, then act. Go do something, feel the wind, see the sky, don’t become bored and post something pretty much everybody on here will not appreciate, and you know it, looking for attention. is not the pretty girl across the room you need to show off for. should be work safe completely, as there are younger ones on here, we don’t need to go getting blocked by all the Nanny filter.
First of all, I agree with wickedbob. I’m sure you can find plenty of “NWS” sites without trying to make this into one.
Secondly, welcome to the internet Unibikeling! You’re only a few years late, so I won’t harass you too much; I only want to point out that Not Safe For Work has an acronym that is not NWS… believe it or not, the acronym that means Not Safe For Work is NSFW. I know it’s ridiculous to have the letters of the acronym match up with the letters of the phrase, but they do.