WTF are these forums going to?

One person posts a topless male thread, then a topless female thread, a nude thread, a moon thread… i am sure there was 1 more…
Whats next?
Come here to discuss the weirdness of these threads or whatever…
Are they really needed? What is peoples motivation for starting them? I can understand the topless (female) one from my side, but i dont really wanna see the others…
Ok, i know i dont have to open them, but whatever!

You don’t have to come to JC in the first place either. There are plenty of topics I don’t bother with.

BTW, I checked in to the Shirtless Female Unicyclist thread a few times, but even at three (long) pages there still weren’t any… :frowning:

Yeah i know, boredom just takes over and makes me do crazy things sometimes… namely, venture into JC… I used to NEVER come in here - maybe i’ll try go back to that.

I know what you mean.
You know, it was not my intention when I did the shirtless thread! It was a joke at MR and then… suddenly, it became like en epidemy! Hahah
Everybody is creating nude threads and, that’s not my fault now! I’ve just created one! Hahaha
The moon thread is bizarre, this I have to admit. I won’t even look at it, cause I hate men’s butt.
The other ones are fun though. And I have the same opinion… if don’t like it, don’t look at it! :smiley:
It’s that simple!

I’m not too bothered really, there is still other things to read and watch… the nakedness doesn’t bother me (except the moon thread… first post scared me lol)


Once you are on JC, you can’t just go away!

It’s just impossible…

Yeah, i know that, and i dont blame you one bit, you cannot control others actions!
You seem like a pretty cool chick, from the stuff i have read on here, and one small posting convo, so i have nothing against you :slight_smile:
It just seems strange that these forums have changed so much since i have joined, i guess more people of different age groups and different parts of the world etc have played the main role in such a change.

it doesnt really bother me either, its just weird that such stuff gets posted on a uni forum (yes, i know its in JC (off topic stuff)!)

Come on! All butts are beautiful.

Yeah! put up or shut-up!;)(Rezinha)

Yeah, I’m just trying to be funny.:D:D:D Never (rarely) take me seriously. My humor may be a little dry.

Sorry to scare you. But it’s funny to scare people. I hope it doesn’t scar you.

naa, i went unicycling in the (very) cold, and all thought was put to unicycling :smiley:
Just the way it should be really!
If my belly doesn’t scare me though no nakedness will lol. :smiley:

I didn’t understand the first comment with the (Rezinha) on the side!

And, I’m ok with the thread hehe… I just think men’s butt are ugly! :o
But I didn’t take you seriously!

Put up (the pic) or shut-up;)(Rezinha… he’s talking to you there lol)
make sence?

Hahaha that does make sense but… it wasn’t me that created the shirtless female thread!

Well that makes sence, if you did you’d have put the picture there lol. You’d also have lesbian tendencies lol.

mayber the forums ar starting to hit puberty and its just discovering the human body…

Not exactly.
I like to see women’s naked body, cause I think it’s beautiful and it’s art… And I’m not a lesbian.

Gotta go with the times.

I’m sure John Foss looks at the forums these days and thinks “Man, they’ve gone down the tube.”
I’m sure parents in the 60s looked at their daughters in miniskirts and thought “You are NOT going out dressed like THAT!”
I’m sure Harper, sitting on his horse, thought about motor cars, “These’ll never catch on. What’s the world coming to?”

Its the internet, one joke will always turn into something else and get more attention then it needs. Think about the Christianity threads, it started with a few serious one, but then a lot of joke ones, then people try to go back to having a serious one, then people complain there are too many threads about it, when half of the people who complained about it were also the ones creating the threads and posting in them.

Now, start with a joking fun thread, like topless guys, which is no biggy. A guy without his shirt on isnt something anyone should be upset about. Go swimming, and thats all youll see, then joke threads of that came out. And its easy for the people on this forum to take it far and end up with tons of the same joke thread one the same page.

The forums are fine right now, remember everyone who preaches self-moderation. If you have a problem, ignore the people, report the thread or the posts and see if anything happens. If nothing changes, then its time to practice self-control, and just learn to not go into threads that seem below you. Our moms have been telling us “No, you cant do that.” since we were born, youd think by now we would understand that and tell ourselves no when we see something we dont want to be apart of.

Anyways, id rather see skin here than profanity. Would you rather have people come here and see someone naked, where you actually cant even see their ‘private’ parts (Haha, how many unicycle videos have the rider just wearing shorts and shoes? Same thing pretty much, theres skin, but no privates.), or would you rather the forums turn into a flame-war, posts like “Yo ner, your such a fg, cant even Fug jump right right, and your crankflips look like s**. Dumb***”?

ROLF!! Thats funny!

and Rezinha, i didn’t say you were, it was a joke :smiley:
EDIT- still laughing.

Yeah, people get really carried away here… the Christianity threads became really hard to ignore after a while, there was always atleast three on the new posts page! Oh I rejoiced when they dissappered off the page lol.

Hahaha I know that. I’m just making my point. But I wouldn’t have any problem if I were.