I am looking to buy a set of SixSixOne 4x4 pads in either size xtra small or small for my youngest boy Nathan. If you have a set lying around please let me know. They seem to be sold out everywhere.
I am looking to buy a set of SixSixOne 4x4 pads in either size xtra small or small for my youngest boy Nathan. If you have a set lying around please let me know. They seem to be sold out everywhere.
I just picked up a set of medium 4x4’s on ebay for $36
I can’t tell if these are 4x4’s but the price is good.
Do these cover your knees? He needs more than a skin guard. Thanks for the link.
I haven’t seen these pads before, but the top horizontal pads look like knee pads. That’s how the 4x4s are. Vertical on shin, horizontal on knee. But I’ve never seen these.
I’m not sure if this is what you are looking for but I have two different sizes, I’m not really using either.
First picture adult small (worn several times, but not all the time)
second picture is youth, I guess one size fits all. (used twice)
Sorry not the greatest pictures, but you can get the idea.
I’m not sure if these are what you are looking for but I have two different sizes First pic is adult small, worn several times but not tons
second is youth one size fits all, worn probably twice.
Not the greatest pictures, but it gives you an idea of what they look like.
I’m not really using either. Problem is I don’t know if it is worth selling or shipping, seeing the ones linked from eBay at a good price.
Thanks for the reply. I purchased the ones from eBay yesterday morning. They should be here later next week. With that said I am not quit sure if they are the right size. The red ones you have are the ones I was originally looking for, but the kids size ones might fit my 8 year old better. Long winded reply, but what are you looking to sell the 2 pairs for? I’m in San Diego so shipping costs to 92078. I have 9 unicycling kids on my block so if your price is great I might just take them off your hands. Feel free to PM me.
Justin, I will check into what shipping would cost. I’m going to be running the next day or two but I’ll get back to you. The ones from eBay will probably do you well.