Wow, that was fast.

a few hours like maybe 5

Thread title: wow, that was fast!

thats what she said…ohhhhhhhhhh!

i learned to ride in a week btw

about 2 days to go 60m. after 2 weeks I started muni, lots of upds then…:smiley:

3 months. And I’m too late for the ‘that’s what she said’ comment.

Dan beat you to it.

Welcome to the forums, Bobby. It took me about 3 weeks to be able to freemount and ride comfortably/turn down the street.

yeah about the same for me in 5 months

3 days for me to learn

I spent 9 hours in one day, and I could get about 30 revs after that time.

Then it was time to come in for dinner and I fell half-asleep at the table.

took me a week to learn to ride easily. it all started in my garage…:slight_smile:

After 2 days I could ride it for 100m.
After 4 days I could ride as far as I wanted until my legs got tired, but turning wasn’t easy.
After 5 days, I could turn gracefully, and ride for a long time sustained.

So basically 2 days to learn, 5 days to “perfect*”

*I use the term “perfect” VERY loosly, I’m FAR from perfect on a unicycle.

I have a friend who had never rode one before, and the first time he got on it he rode (flailing/wobblingly) about 40m.

First time on a unicycle!

it took me about 5 days to be able to ride to the end of my driveway (~100ft), and then another 4-5 days to be able to turn and go over the swale.

took me about 2 months to learn but i didn’t ride a lot. Now i ride a lot more :smiley: :sunglasses:

am I special, i just got on a rode the thing…
well the very first time my foot slipped off the pedal… but I have never munched it.

im kidding, 3 days
yeah you guys suck… just kidding, take it as it comes.

it takes you about 10 to 15 hrs on and off

Took me a few hours to be able to ride. and freemount. I didn’t learn by holding on to much.