Wow, something killed this foal.. what do you think?

(you may find the image in the link disturbing… just thought i would warn you)

I heard about this on the radio this morning. I am kind of worried as i am about to set off backpacking around Australia… We will be spending some time in a tent.

What do you think was the cause? are largest predetors around here are pretty much dogs and lizards, or a kangaroo. maybe it was some wildmens :slight_smile: or a ‘big cat’.

Or maybe the foal had a mental condition so the mother horse, not wanting such a child, killed it and arranged it so as to pass the buck to someone else.

Yeah they got stuff like this in Mexico, its called El Chupacabra. Scary stuff.

Vicous, isn’t it?

la chapacabra, or in english the ‘suck goat’ is a myth

A Vorpal bunny of Caerbannog. They have nasty big pointy teeth and a vicious streak a mile wide!


I am going to guess that the foal was done in by either global warming or second hand smoke.

It all started with an assault rifle.

Jethro and Dave, you’re both wrong. Violent video games killed that poor foal.

That’s a possibility. I will have to take a closer look at the position of the corpse again.

Crap…point for Jack Thompson… :frowning:

  • What? Behind the rabbit?
  • It is the rabbit

First time I saw that I fell out off the couch I was about to die because I was laughing so hard.

Chuck Norris thought about killing a horse and this happened
It was just the power of his mind

No actually it was gay marriage.

Which was caused by global warming.

God Damn Satanic Music!

Witch was by people buying satanic music albums! EVIL!

Yay puns!

Not to mention they read too much Harry Potter!!

YES! It teaches them the evil!

It was obviously doll bludgers. But muslims helped.
…(A bit discriminitry, whatever get over it.)