Wow look at this guy!!

why have 2 shadows from one light source?? look on the hood of the car…

I thought it was a very good job. You can still tell it’s a cut and paste, but the selection was done very nicely. Start with higher resolution images, adjust the rider to match the lighting of the scene (some of this can be faked) and make sure there aren’t any halos around the edges.

Or just jump off a car! Still photos can lie about how you landed. :slight_smile:

I see a fuzzy shadow on the hood of the car, and a crisp shadow from the light post and the man walking. Plus if the rider is jumping off the top of the car, his shadow wouldn’t be on the hood anyway.

where does the shadow on his arm come from? The correct answer is: photoshop.

The sun. Which was in a different location in relation to the rider than it is in relation to the rest of the image.

don’t ya think that the old guy in the background would be looking?

…did a pretty good job bein able to see the stairs through the spokes of his wheel imo :sunglasses:

good work dude, just uhm… he’s kinda hopping wrong… give him a little shadow next time :wink:

Yeah… easily noticable that its photoshoped by looking at the shadows.

I only bothered looking to see if it was fake when other people said it was fake. Dosnt look impressive at all to me, looks like hes just dropping off the car.

I’m digging the 2 diffrent shoes, I’m glad I’m not the only one that does that when you brake one of your shoes.

I think you will find his shoes are not different… They are a pair exactly the same.

They are not exactly the same, one has black laces and one has white.

Yes, but the actual shoe is the same.

but not exactly the same. One of the biggest components of that shoe is different.

Shoelaces are minor, I once used safety pins in their stead.
Yes, that was stupid.
Thank you for reminding me that the glue on my shoes is set up now:D

:frowning: I haven’t been able to go gliding all day(stupid cheapo shoes that I had to tear into with a knife to get them to fit gave me an opportunity to learn unispins)