During a discussion in Mo[post=882636]st Repli[/post]es today, talk turned to Hot Sauce and I realised that there is definately a gap in the Unicycling Market for a celebrity Hot Sauce.
You may argue that Harper Hottie Sauce should be the way to go but I beg to differ and would like to suggest a John Childs Hot Sauce - No Nonsense, Just Gets The Job Done.
I’d obviously like for the sauce to rate 768 on the Scoville Scale, or at least a sensible derivation of that number.
I’m in Texas. We consider anything with a Scoville rating of less than 2,500 just plain baby formula.
In fact, a rating of 768 would be similar to what a nursing Texas infant obtains during his first 4 weeks. At 8 weeks we just slip a nipple on a tabasco bottle for the night feedings.
J.C. Hot Sauce on Buffalo Wings? Couldn’t get any better than that! Probably would sell better than mine, too; Yoopers Meek and Mild-Mannered Hot Sauce.
I want some Ryan Atkins Hot Sauce, as that boy must have fire under his ass to be able to static hop so well! haha, whats next? Unicyclist Brand Balance Powder?
Incorrect. After the Portland Bridge Pedal, I witnessed a McMinnemen’s waitress attempt to poison JC with hot sauce and jalepeno-ladened dishes. It was a valid attempt, and he took it all without a blink.
But, like JC’s other valuable services like coker tire changing and Magura bleeding, I won’t buy his hot sauce. I’ll expect him to deliver it to my house, at the Ride 'N Feed, in exchange for food and beer. He will comply, because he knows that the food and beer will be Good.