would would you like to meet from history?

think mine would have to be…the beatles and Gandhi and of course the person who invented the wheel

Jesus, and Buddha, and Muhammad…and Joseph Smith. Any other well known religious figures.
Gandhi, too.
And the Beatles, of course.
And Kurt Cobain…and especially Steve Prefontaine. That rhymed.

Jesus would be interesting. Get his version of the whole thing.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ even though Zi am an atheist you cant say there wasnt a Jesus but I also would like to his version of the whole story

I’d like to meet a younger myself, and tell him to study harder at school.
Oh, and give him some winning lottery numbers too. :slight_smile:

Oscar Meyer, inventor of the weiner as we know it. And I don’t mean Norbert Weiner.

Was he related to Russ Meyer?
I guess it’s a Freudian ‘Weiner’ connection.

Jane Austen.
Eddie Cochran.

oooooh, Captain Planet.

Ghengis Khan, Buddha,Vlad The Impaler, Cassanova. And Cleopatra. I’d F*** her. And maybe also the virgin mary. I’d F*** her to.

I could think of more, like Bob Marley, Al Capone, etc. But I don’t have the time. OOH! ANd Arthur Guinness!

and people act like I’m an idiot troll

I would want to meet Ghandi, and Jesus…that’s about all I can think of.

Another question: If you could spend time with someone close to you who has died (assuming someone has), for a day, would you? Would it be worth it, knowing that after that one day, you would never see them again?
I don’t think I could do it…

I posted late last night in a rush, and missed off Cecil Sharp.

Cleopatra. I’d F*** her. And maybe also the virgin mary. I’d F*** her to.QUOTE]
that is so sig worthy

My Dad, when he was a scared 19-year-old shipping over to Europe to fight in WWII. And my Dad again on his return, after surviving the Battle of the Bulge and making the march into Paris.

My Mom, just after college when she was still independent, flying her own airplane just five years after Amelia Earhart disappeared, still high from the courage she gave to women who dreamed they could fly.

I’d like to talk to them and record them in their youth, so I could show my son what his grandparents were made of. They were gone before he was old enough to understand.

It is not such an easy one. Needs very careful consideration beginning with why I would want to meet him. Would I want to influence him, help him, save him, kill him, tell him the consequences of his actions?
Or would I just want information from him, did he really do that, or in the case of a couple of figures did he really exist? The why is more interesting than the who for your question.

So for the moment a frivolous one. Boudicca, to ask how her name should really be pronounced.

Maybe more later if I have free time.


probably Jesus, after Kris Holm that is

ummm the disciple Andrew…i cant think of any others.

forgot to add, bob marley and spike miligan he was a genius

Yes, I nearly said Spike, too. But not for his comic genius, but to thank him for his war memoirs, which told me more about the true horror and stupidity of war than any number of earnest tracts.

So my list is revised as:

Seneca - the most powerful man of his age, yet a statesman who ran an empire for the general good. A wise and humble man in his private life, and his letters reveal a gentle self-deprecating sense of humour. Much less irritating than Socrates, and less smelly than Diogenes.

Jane Austen because she was a genius - with a waspish wit and a, er… devastating command of language.

Eddie Cochran because of all the early rock and rollers, he wrote lyrics that were way ahead of his time. A great musician, good sense of humour, and a decent man. (Also because I wouldn’t want to meet Buddy Holly and risk disappointment.)

Cecil Sharp, to thank him.

Spike, as above.

Heck, I wanted to meet Seneca too, but only because I heard in his private life he was surrounded by bikini clad women serving ice cold martinis, and that he was quite the jokester!:smiley: :smiley:

Seems there’s a contradiction in history, and before I use my wish, I want to get this straightened out. And Socrates was irritating only to a few because he liked to make fun of MikeFule and the pierced people, but the rest of us found him amusing:D :smiley: