would this make you angry

i was talking to one of my friends and I asked her what she was doing. She said she was designing a tatto for this guy. i go isn’t that what you want to be when you grow up. She says yes and tells me she knows me well. I go i bet you can’t figure out what i want to be. she says a sniper for the marines or a circus clown. i go now I want to be a sniper for the marines and a professional extreme unicyclist. she was like I was close and i was like no your not. it mad me a little mad but i got it strightened out. i was just wondering if this would have mad any one else mad.

It would make me quite angry to have someone suggest that one of my main ambitions was to shoot people.

You must remember that the general population doesn’t understand the term ‘professional extreme unicyclist’ so they still think that anyone on a unicycle is a circus clown. Don’t be mad, just chuckle to yourself and say, silly muggles.


It would make me absolutely furious. I would see red, and my vision would start swimming…I’d probably grip the phone so hard it would shatter.

Why would it make you angry? All it is is a nice little story that belongs in the Non-Rider Quote of the Day thread

the only reason it mad me angry is I have explained it to her a bunch. It didn’t really make me mad it was just weird

yeah i really hate it when people call me a clown. one time i was unicycling through the center of town and someone nearby started singing that circus song. you know: doo-doo-doo-doodah-doo-doo-doodah. grrrrrr.

That circus tune follows me wherever I go. :frowning:

You must also remember that clowns get paid. It’s what they do for a living. They entertain people. It’s a job. Not a particularly well-paying job either.

It’s really not nice to make a big deal about people who work hard and don’t make much money. It’s not nice to keep saying EEwwwwww, a CLOWN. Get away!!!

Suppose your restaurant “waiter” got upset everytime someone mistook them for a restaurant “server.” And went to the back and complained to everyone how someone had the nerve to treat them like a SERVER! EEwwwww!

Not to mention: This thread is brimming with testosterone.


It would make me quite proud to have someone realise that one of my ambitions is to be an elite soldier who is willing to risk his life for the citizens of this great nation. Even if they don’t apreciate it.:wink: Been there, done that. Now on to the proffesional extreme unicyclist part of my career goals.:smiley:

I wonder how many proud current military or veterans we have on our forums. I know Brian Mac is a vet in his country. I’m a veteran. Ashley’s dad is currently serving in Iraq. Others?

i too am an animal doctor. i’m a hero.

I served.

Ricky W, you have stupid friends. Not because of the clown comment per se, just because they’re willing to poke fun at someone who’s thinking of become a hired killer.

But don’t let it make you angry, she probably just really likes you and tried to get under your skin as part of some awkward passive/agressive flirting.
Ask her how her cartoon drawings are coming along.

Ask her what tattoo she’d design for you, and where she’d put it.