I need a very simple yellow sad emoticon ( except yellow, like the one in AOL instant messenger ) on a transparent background in jpeg or gif format. I want to use it in a powerpoint presentation, so I need it big enough that it doesn’t get fuzzy when enlarged.
And in the interest of full disclosure, this is for a sermon. I know that may make a difference for some of you.
I did an image search on Yahoo for ‘sad emoticon’ and came up with this. If you find something, anyone with Photoshop or Photodeluxe (like me) or an alternative program could remove the background for you.
Bruce, that is exactly what I need. I did a search but the only ones I found were so small that they pixelated when I enlarged them for powerpoint. If you have the time and knowledge to remove the background (and if it isn’t copyrighted), that would be great!
The attached .zip has cutout .gifs made from yoopers’ second image, sized at 382x382 pixels (original size), 200x200 and 100x100; not sure which is closest to what you need.