So the idea is to come up with strange and unusual or totally regular things to do that would look awkward if done in the nude…
Things to consider:
Protective gear
Done In public
what if it was normal to be done in the nude?
I think break dancing would be awkward to see naked… guys bits flying all over… pinwheels…hhm… stalls that leave you starring, mouth open…
The effects of inertia on the male satchel while doing a head spin…
All though… a female break dancer… could be hot
On the other hand, the lady in the picture is one of the best trauma surgeons in the world, having spent many years working in slum conditions in Africa to help injured children. She’s written three excellent novels, and a piano sonata that was performed to great acclaim by the Berlin Philharmonic. The unsightly condition that affects her legs is Bilharza which she contracted when working in Africa.
Bt feel free to objectify her and judge her only on appearances.
Hey, I was just joking about how all females look good naked, most people actually dont look good naked. Has nothing to do with the type of person they are. My grandmother was one of the most amazing people alive and I cant think of anyone that I loved more. Trust me, I did not care to see her naked…
could be messy… depends what they are eating. Whipped cream anyone?
I second that one all the way… bunch o guys all muddy and such. not to mention the potential pain that could effect them guys… no cups here gentleman
Oh man!, there is one in Seattle!!! i want to do it so bad!!! now the question is… how does a group of male unicyclists tell the story to their friends without seeming totally…um…I’m gonna say “funny”
Im gonna say surgery. The patient is sitting there thinking… ok… i know why I’m naked… but why are my 7 doctors naked? and would doctors have to “shave” to be able to work like this?