if you had to place a monetary value on your most prized uni that you have put the most time and money into what would it be worth? i was kinda bored and i dont think this has been done before so please reply…pics are welcome.
mine is my trials it started life a sa stock bedford($200) the i added a kh seat($50) jim c oddesy pedals ($45) and an 04 kh hub/crankset (150$)
So you’d sell your baby for a measly $445 CAD? That doesn’t sound like a “prized posession” to me.
My uni is worth -$11.
That is… you’d get $11 out of my pocket after killing me (if you killed me today) and prying my uni out of my cold, dead hands. That’s the only way you’d get me to part from any of my unis.
my '03 KH20 cost me about $350 originally I think…heck I don’t remember!! but then I got a new seat, $40, new pedals, $20, new pedals again, $30, profile hub/crankset, $300…that comes out to $840. aye carumba!
my Coker though, it cost me like $300 to start out, and then I got a 12" seat tube for the seat, about $10, new pedals, about $10, a cyclometer, $40, new crank arms, $20, airfoil wheelset avec UDC extra wide hub, $200ish…thats like $580. aye carumba x2!!
My trials uni started its life as a stock Summit, then I changed the pedals from welgos to odyssey twisteds to snafus, new luna tire, bedford frame, 22.2 seatpost, kh seat then to CF seat with reeder, then eventually the wheel from 03 KH to 05 KH/Onza, then I switched back to the original summit frame and a 29.4 rail post with rail adapter.
I don’t want to add it up because it will make me sad. My uni is worth alot less then all the money I have put into it and I am sure thats the same with everyone that has upgraded at some point. I would never sell it…unless it was for money to buy a better one;)
thats what I was thinkin as I added mine up, that I don’t have three separate sets of pedals on that unicycle anymore, so I can’t really count that as part of it…I just figured thats how much I had spent on it.
100 dollars for the uni
20 dollars for the pedals
3 dollars for the yoopers fix
.5 cents for a strip of duct tape to cover the fix so it doesnt rip my legs open
5 dollars for labors
15 dollars for a tire soon
GB4 custom trials frame(extra tall and just for me)----$lots
KH 04 hub and cranks-------------------------------$100(used)
cheap mosh bike platforms--------------------------$14(on sale from lbs)
luna tire + alex dx rim + spokes----------------------$70(give or take)
KH fusion seat + GB4 prototype stiffener plate--------$45 + free plate
grand total----------------------------------------$a whole bunch.
word. you’ld get my $18 tax refund check, and you’ld have a difficult time removing my hand from it’s final iron SIF grip. killing me wouldn’t be worth it though, a 20" torker swung at “you kill me or i kill you” velocity makes quite a dent.
i’ld value the beast at almost $400. $250-ish for the stock, $15 plastic pedels, $25 metal pedels, $40 metal pedels, $55 metal eastern pedels (should have sucked it up and dropped the cash when i was trying to save money by buying plastic pedels after the stocks broke), $8 two tubes, $2 a nut that fell off the seat and lock-tite for other nuts and bolts. i need to replace the tire soon, i rotated it so the worn side wasn’t in the same spot, and that seemed to help.
c’mon, i know someone has like $2k invested in their geared, 24" one piece carbon fiber muni with custom drilled brembo hydro brake kit. you know who you are.
My first uni was my Schwinn Giraffe, which I still have, and have used in nearly every show I’ve ever done. Most of the parts on it were rechromed (or chromed, as many of them didn’t start that way. The lower cog and pedals have been upgraded, but the rest is all pretty much original except a more recent, white seat cover from Semcycle.
If someone were to offer me $1000 for it I’d say no without having to think about it. That’s a prized posession.
$200 US on my Nimbus II Muni, + $60 Cdn for Kona pedals, and another $200 Cdn for a KH/Onza hub/crankset, and another $20 for paint. So ~$480 in the currency of your choice.
My Bedford Trials uni is at $500… But the pedals have been messed up recently… I foresee new pedal purchase in the near future…
Base norco trials uni - 270$
Kh fusion gel seat - 30$
Axiom double jump pedals - 45$
Koxx one hub and 110mm cranks - 230$
Powdercoating - 3 hours of my time sweeping the powdercoaters shop
Total about 600$ at minimum wage or about 620 at calgary wages (where I got it powder coated)
The time spent riding it - priceless.
There are some things that money can buy we call that time on a bicycle, for the rest there are unicycles!