i agree!
A uni with three viscount seats: one for you, one for the clown, and one for the guy who keeps asking “Where’s the other wheel?” and “Are you a clown, too?”
I think your worst unicycle would be:
A super strong light weight unicycle based on all the best ideas you have ever come up with, including a geared hub… this unicycle would be made by aliens from materials which are lighter & stronger than anything we have ever seen… This is a once is the history of time opertunity…
Anyway the unicycle is delivered to you and it is impossibly perfect in every detail, it is love at first sight…
You hop on and start to ride…
OH NO!!!
the gear ratio is reversed, this is the biggest lemon of all time and no way to contact the supplier ever again.
How about the custom one I force you to pay me $500 for and then I end up making out of twigs and duct tape that doesn’t resemble a unicycle in any way but is close to being some sort of ritualistic effigy?
Edit: This “effigy deal” is good for anyone who pays up and is prepared to get their cash stolen.
Haper, the worst unicycle for you is one that cuts hair as you ride it.
A Coker with a lead-filled tire and one-inch cranks. On a more positive note, the saddle is equipped with a seat-belt so you can supply maximum force to the pedals.
Rubber cranks.
No no!, Rubber cranks would be great. I bet you could hop higher and do bigger drops with them. If you wanted to go anywhere without hopping you could just wheel walk.
the worst unicycle is the one I can’t ride …
try this one
I think Chex has everyone else beat hands down so far. Unarueda, gerblefranklin, and sockmonster also have some excellent ideas.
Did anyone mention that it has to have large spikes on the crank where it meets the hub, so as to hit your ankle knobs (OK, I forgot the technical name for them) everytime time you pedal.
Yes. Here:
whats the deal?
Ok, now why are you useing something I said in your sig line? Are you picking on me? I think that was a valid question, ok, maybe not.
Hmm… maybe I should feel honored, ok, i’ll do that, thank you : )
A custom Coker with a 37" wheel and an extra-narrow hub. The spokes are made of fishing line. Of course, a Coker tire won’t quite fit on this wheel, so you have to ride it around on the bare rim.
A unicycle where the pedaling action turns the handle on a music box that plays Entry of the Gladiators non-stop as you ride.
Ride it proudly around the neighborhood! (clown costume and earplugs extra)
A maruni (pronounced marOOnee). After you ride it for a few miles, it falls apart and leaves you stranded.
Like it…
This must be the best idea so far. It’s almost the most dangerous uni idea ever. The music would surely make you kill yourself after half a mile of riding.
And a new idea. A geared Coker with some device inside the tire that sends a rod out of the tire that soon hits the frame. This makes UPD’s you at a great speed. Better yet you could be strapped to the saddle and use clipless pedals. Under the handle there would be glue so once you touch it you can’t get your hands of.
edit. And this is probably the best thread ever.
This is an outstanding idea!!
The earplugs were intended not to block the music, but to block the comments, laughs, and “sing-alongs” of the people seeing you ride.