world's oldest temple

Pretty impressive artwork from 10,000 years ago. I am surprised there is not more press about this place. How many of you had heard of Gobekli ?

As a non-theist, I find the connection to biblical stories fascinating. Because I believe the bible was created by regular humans, there is always the question of "why those stories, why in that place ? ".

Before this was unearthed, I think it was thought the Chinese, or Egyptians, about 5,000 ish years ago, that made the oldest stone carvings. Not counting pre ice age cave art in Europe.

I bet these ancients had elaborate carved wooden palaces. Surely, any people that did such high quality stone carving, would have done a lot of work with wood, as it is so much easier to work with.

I feel bad that this thread has gotten no responses. Sometimes the more sophisticated topics die an undeserving and untimely death.

I’ll start… is that bird-man thing in the center-left juggling?

(sorry, that’s the best I can do at the moment until I find time to click the link)

A-ha! Now we have controversy! There are some who say the manipulation of one object if you have two wings is not juggling. The bird is doing contact juggling. A bunch of jugglers are going to be annoyed to find out they didn’t invent it…

Anyway, sounds like a really interesting place. How come we don’t hear more about it? Is the dating controversial, or is it so new it’s just getting out there into the mainstream?

God could do the contact roll from hand to hand

Behind the neck, not in front, like the lame attempts, non immortalized in wood.

But perhaps I am reading to much into this. Not!!!:smiley:

Contact jugglers now possess the most ancient script depicting their sacred devotions, combined with the obvious love we all feel for parrots.:slight_smile:

I only learned of this place today. The sponsors of the dig are german, I couldn’t find a video in english.

My impression is that this is to elaborate, in depth, to just be a hoax.

I don’t know why this find is not a bigger story.

I am impressed that they found huge amounts of bones from wild game, no cattle, it was a hunter economy.

What impresses me the most about this place is it has stone carvings from hunter-gather culture 10-13 thousand years ago.

Only a small part of the site has been excavated so far.


Thanx for posting this.