Pretty impressive artwork from 10,000 years ago. I am surprised there is not more press about this place. How many of you had heard of Gobekli ?
As a non-theist, I find the connection to biblical stories fascinating. Because I believe the bible was created by regular humans, there is always the question of "why those stories, why in that place ? ".
Before this was unearthed, I think it was thought the Chinese, or Egyptians, about 5,000 ish years ago, that made the oldest stone carvings. Not counting pre ice age cave art in Europe.
I bet these ancients had elaborate carved wooden palaces. Surely, any people that did such high quality stone carving, would have done a lot of work with wood, as it is so much easier to work with.
A-ha! Now we have controversy! There are some who say the manipulation of one object if you have two wings is not juggling. The bird is doing contact juggling. A bunch of jugglers are going to be annoyed to find out they didn’t invent it…
Anyway, sounds like a really interesting place. How come we don’t hear more about it? Is the dating controversial, or is it so new it’s just getting out there into the mainstream?