Re: world unicycling day
In message “RE: world unicycling day”, John Foss wrote…
>> That sounds like a wonderful idea! I have a suggestion. March 21, the Vernal
>> Equinox, the beginning of spring which symbolizes the beginning of life and
>> new energy.
>To be useful, a World Unicycling Day would need a project person, to own it
>and do the publicity to try to get events happening around the world. Simply
>picking a date won’t make us look good if there are no activities.
>The chosen date should be one that is convenient for unicycling events, rather
>than lining up with historical events. Also, rather than picking a fixed date,
>it would probably be more realistic to say something like "the first Saturday
>in April" or something.
ohn, your suggestion is very practical. Thanks for bringing me down from
the clouds…
Perhaps sometime August would be best. That is more or less when national meets
and Unicons happen, and because of the summer vacation is a time when more
people are out unicycling.
>If someone were to want to introduce it this year, a date should be chosen at
>least a month or two in advance of course.
>I think it’s a good idea. Anyone want to run with it?
I have a feeling that the JUA might be interested in this kind of thing. The
Japanese really do like ceremony and ritual. I’ll bring it up.
>Just my $0.00 worth…
>John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
>“Dad, I’m hypo-icecreamic.” – Woody Hooten, at the end of a long MUni ride
>(Woody’s mom is a doctor, and this sounds like something his family developed
>on long car rides when the kids were young)
Regards, Jack Halpern President, The CJK Dictionary Institute, Inc. Phone: +81-48e$B!]e(B473e$B!]e(B3508