World Trade Center (An Oliver stone Film)

I saw it last night. It wasn’t that great. United 93 was a much more moving thought-provoking film. It’s definitely not too soon though. This movie was made with such a Hollywood gloss that it prevents you from any actual feeling. The whole thing seemed like something you’d wait in line to experience at Universal Studios.

What did you expect from O. Stone. He’s pretty much DONE. None of his so-called “films” have turned a profit lately, and this one will probably follow suit. I wonder if he tried to re-write history and/or invent another hare-brained conspiracy theory on this one too? :sunglasses:

really? a movie with Nicolas Cage in it AND it’s no good??


I think the whole idea is insensitive. I watched the towers being built, from my parents back yard in Queens. (Wasn’t hard to do, the towers dominated the landscape). I later worked in the Wall Street area, and had several accounts in the twin towers.
On windy days, you could feel the towers sway, (especially around the 70th floor) and actually see the water in the toilets swish back and forth!
Some new employees actually had to take dramamine for the motion sickness!

The towers remain, in my mind, a living being. It moved as if breathing.
It took me two years to get up the nerve to check the list of fatalities from 9/11. I was certain I would find a certain childhood friend (third generation NYPD). Thankfully his name was not there. I still have not gone through the entire list, fearing I would find someone else I had not expected.
For me it is still too soon.

As for the movie, it is simple profiteering.

What I don’t get get is how they can somehow stretch out a single event like that and expand it into a feature length film. The commercials I’ve seen for the movie look to me like they could be the movie, with just some people climbing out of the rubble.

Conspiracy theories…apparently it’s easy

There’s no conspiracy theories in it, it does not re-write history. It’s based on the personal accounts of two individuals, and it’s very respectful. The film is clearly not profiteering. They are donating 10% of the first 5 days box office to a group of 9-11 charities. And the producers fully expect that the film will not back the 60 million dollars it cost to produce. They made the film because there is a story to be told here. One that the families and the filmmakers wanted to share and tell.

They have most of the familes of those depicted in the film on board and fully supporting it. They also paid for their life rights even though they legally wouldn’t have to because it’s all public record. The film is mostly about the rescue effort and everyone coming together to help people afterward.

These are stories that need to be told.

It’s only too soon until someone makes a movie. If it were 10 years later people would still say it’s too soon. The Best Years of Our Lives was released in 1946 when the reality of all of America’s sons that died in the war was still on everyone’s hearts.

Movies are a great way to heal. A film like this also helps those that were not so directly connected to become more connected and have a greater understanding of what it was actually like to be there. I think that’s a good thing.

I think many people who say it’s too soon would change their minds if they would actually see the movie.

As for Oliver Stone he is the perfect filmmaker for this project. He has always made patriotic films and clearly loves this country.

P.S. I never said it was no good. It has that Hollywood style that everyone seems like.

!0 % of the five days still leaves 90% and the rest of ‘eternity’. Sounds like the tip you’d leave in a resturant.

It’s 10% of the total ticket sales, not 10% of the profit. You can’t say it’s profiteering to try to recoup the amount of money you spent making the film. If the profits do turn out to be enourmous I am pretty sure they’ll make more donations. You do know that most films lose.

Besides it’s not about money. I think it’s a greater way to honor people by paying tribute to them, than by throwing money at money at them.