Overnight shift to be classified as ‘probable’ cancer cause
I don’t see how that can possibly cause cancer in any way.
Wouldn’t it prevent cancer, because you would be out of the UV rays from the sun? I’m saying this because generally people who work night shift sleep during the day.
Yeah, well, everything causes cancer these days.
Unicycling probably does too.
Or that crap on the news about lead in children’s toys…
Our parents grew up with lead paint, and how many can prove that lead actually affected them?
Chyeah, reminds me of why everyone over 30 should be dead.
I didn’t read the article yet, but my first thought was lack of sunlight leading to vitamin D deficiency. Sunlight does not cause cancer. We evolved under the sun. We need it.
prostate cancer rates are much lower for men who continue to have at least 3 ejaculations/week. It’s possible that a proportion of night workers aren’t going to bed with their mates, or aren’t on a compatible schedule with their mates, and so it’s not happening.
we could speculate: breast cancer is associated with cigarettes and alcohol, which may also be higher among night shift workers, due to the stress of the shift, & the relative lack of available social support on that schedule.
in which case night shift is the mediating factor, not the causal factor.
What shift do you work, Billy? I hope it’s the day shift. Because even though the night shift might be the mediating factor and not the causal factor, it’s still a factor, no matter which way you factor it.
Edit: P.S. - I still think it’s lack of sunlight.
I agree with Billy that it’s the cause of other factors like smoking or drinking, which in turn cause cancer, rather than the actual time of work itself.
first rules of statistics
- a statisitic is a assumption with evidence. working at night doesn not CAUSE cancer, the evidence shows that the rate of cancer and working at night have a postive correlation
2.correlation does not mean CAUSATION
icecream sales go up as violent crime goes up. does that mean violent crime causes people to buy ice cream… no
there is a lurking variable something that affects both the subjects.
working night shifts and cancer are RELATED but it doesnt mean one causes the other. the people that work the night shift might share a common habbit like smoking or soemthing along the lines of that. and that is was causes the increase in cancer not the late hours
plus for christ sakes ANYTHING CAN CAUSE CANCER if you cover yourself in it. no shit you are going to get cancer if you drink lead paint every day or dress in asbestos or dont sleep for 5 days and work 94 hours a week.
seriously the news is just crap the way they word it makes it seem like workin past your bed time will chop years off your lifes
… end of rant
Could it be… oh, I don’t know… say… lack of sunlight?
There is evidence that links higher latitudes with increased cancer. Look at this graph taken from this article. In this study the rates of kidney cancer are lowest near the equator, rising as you move further from the equator. It seems to inversely correlate intensity of sunlight with cancer. This is not the only study that shows this.
Wouldn’t a person working the night shift sleep through much of the day? They would miss the hours when the sun is strongest. When are they up on their days off?
They should take some high-vitamin cod liver oil to get some vitamin D. It’s “sunshine in a bottle”.
its because people who work at night don’t rise with the sun and fall with the sun…
yeah, I don’t know what I’m talking about. haha!
I do know that Cancer is everywhere. They say that the only mammals in the world that don’t suffer from cancer are sharks, as they have a perfect set of 36 chromosomes. Us other mammals don’t, leaving marginal room for error. Such as cancer. In my next life, I want to be a shark. Then again, maybe I wouldn’t, cuz then I wouldn’t be able to uni. Ah! decisions decisions… I think I’ll take my chances with cancer.
Sharks are actually fish…and cancer is the astrological sign for the Crab, which is a crustacean, so I don’t think they get cancer either, making crab a good choice for reincarnation.
I for one want to be a sea turtle.
i doubt it is lack of sunlight becasue we have vtiamin d put in milk so sunlight is not required for that if you drink your milk
That’s right, I had a brain fart. Dolphins are mammals, not sharks. That makes sense. Its gotta be the Sea Salt then. Best way to remove toxins from the body is to take a nice sea salt bath!