words we use that don't exist

so, i had a great idea.

words that we use that don’t actually exist.
it was brought on by Gilby who used semantism.
i don’t think that is a actual word, but i not toally sure.
and that got me to thinking, i know that there are words that people use that don’t exist.
why not start a thread so we can all use the words that other people have made up.

one of my favorite words is from my sister in laws brother, kevin.
def. the abilty to be comfortable

let the wordrage begin!

ginormous…a mixture of gigantic and enormous.

fagerets like cigarets and fags

Once while on the F train the conductor announced that we’d be leaving momentaneously. This word is now a much used part of my family’s vocabulary.


but what does it mean?

I hear folks all the time describe the elevation of something as it’s heighth. There is no such word. The correct word is height.

It’s because we have length width and heigth. It’s a form of generalization. The other two measurements have it, so “heighth” should have it too.

Some languages have infixes (like a prefix or suffix, but in the middle of the word). Spoken American English has two infixes. Can anyone guess what they are?

Does what we put between “abso” and “lutely” or “out” and “rageous” count?

…they must be the same folks who go “acrosst” the street!

…or pronounce it ‘often’ instead of ‘often’. :slight_smile:

According to the spell checker on my computer, the word “unicycling” is false.

Same on my dad’s laptop.

that remind me once i said longth way while bulding somthing with a friend, and me and him still use it to this day,

but the moral of the story is, ain’t, ain’t a word

Okay, that would be another infix. :slight_smile: I don’t hear that one very often, living in Utah. We do have our own version, though: “Abso-friggin-lutely”

I was gonna say that. Only not referring to a spellchecker or my dad, but just plainly. The word “unicycle” does only exist as a noun, not as a verb (according to the linguists, we know better of course). And a noun cannot be inflicted like that.

Unless of course you support the statement “Any noun can be verbed”.

Once a word is expressed, it exists. So, if I make up a word in my mind and share it here, then it exists, right? :thinking:

One of my pet peeves is hearing managers try to sound intelligent by using big words, only to misuse them. Also, I’ve noticed that this word misuse spreads like a virus among managers because I’ll often hear multiple managers misuse the same word.

i wont say what it is a mix of cause i dont swear, but the second word is ugly, and i was just replying to this thread
and “aint” aint a word

is “spiffy” a word?
because I use it a lot.

what about scurry?
spiffy reminded me of it

scurry…yeah, it is, its like a mouse scurrying across the floor.