Word of the day game

I’ve got a fun idea for a game. Everyday Dictionary.com has a new word of the day. The Challenge is to use that word at least in at least one conversation that day and report back with a reply that is either a written quote, recorded audio, or video showing how you used the word of the day in conversation. You can’t just say something like “Today’s word of the day is ____” it has to be creatively worked into the conversation in some way.

Today’s word of the day is:

virtuoso \vur-choo-OH-soh, noun, adjective;
pl. virtuosos, virtuosi:
1. a person skilled in the techniques of an art, esp. playing a musical instrument; by extension, a person with a cultivated appreciation of artistry

1. showing mastery in artistic skills

They applauded the virtuoso’s performance.

Her virtuoso singing landed her a free graduate education at Yale.

Can I use a Wordsmith word of the day?

I think I’ll stick with dictionary.com

Today’s word is:
unwitting \uhn-WIT-ing, adjective:
not knowing; unaware; unintentional

We are unwitting victims of the system.

Ducttape unwittingly started what was to become the longest thread in internet history.

Have you not seen MR?
Noob. It’s not like it’s our DLS or anything.

Despite the guy’s virtuosity, Raphael still found cause to criticize him

Despite his high opinion of himself, he was merely a virtuoso bullshit artist and deserving of the criticism.

Dom you’re an idiot. Although you’re lasting longer here than I expected :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway what is your obsession with floccinaucinihilipilification. Infact, screw you, you’re floccinaucinihilipilified!

Dom you are a moron. And I shall tell Aidan that you’ve been speaking chav:D. You know how he feels about that!

Rite dat’s it blud
Im gonna r’port u innit!
I’m never speaking like that again

As if Dominic Ive Green.
And yes, Sam’s face is gonna be rather funny if he picks the red packaging

Due to Raphael’s floccinaucinihilipilification, his wife makes him sleep on the couch.

+1. I have never seen some one floccinuacinihilipilify the word floccinaucinihilipilification in a sentance with such ease

Liar! Frank Sheeran is the muneyman! Damn you to hell boy!

That’s right! I said it!
Now for christ sake stop bugging me you imbecile! Ha! you cannot read what I wrote you chav scumbag! ROFL

Ooh Dom you shouldn’t have done that, they don’t like swearing on here. I must admit it was quite amusing when you threw the iceball at Simon’s testicles, Ben giggled like a little immature schoolgirl

Sami Mahmaud Abdul-Razzak (or Sam AR for short) aka. chelskiboy247. Everyone has permission by me to add him. Please annoy him.
Ooh please do, It is quite annoying

Aww my thread has been pwnd… haha silly thread jackers… today’s word is still

unwitting \uhn-WIT-ing, adjective:
not knowing; unaware; unintentional

We are unwitting victims of the system.

Unwitting, Jeremy ate an apple when he was out on his uni: it was a Vietnamese prisoner living in a hollow tree on Murdock St. who stuffs apples in people’s mouths as the go past, especially if they are unicyclists who pass on odd-numbered days of the month or on non-national/Islamic holidays.