Word for non-uniriders

Like Harry Potter’s muggles, what do we call the non-riding population? I searched and couldn’t find anything. I imagine a consensus has been met on this.



In all my time on this forum (bring on the n00b insults, :roll_eyes: ), I’ve never seen this topic discussed…kinda surprising now that I think about it…


nah, that’s for beach n00bs
go here and find a random word that sounds cool and that we can use

random interesting sounding words so far:

I like to use “pedestrian,” an adjective for “dull” as well as a noun for someone who travels on foot. After becoming confident at free-mounting and riding, the unicycle became my primary means of transportation in those places where I previously walked… therefore I was no longer a pedestrian, but an, erm, unestrian?


sorry sorry i mean um… ‘the spokeless’

just call em pedi’s or sommat :smiley:



Call 'em blue pills.

Use the word muggle.

In the “sport” of geocaching the word muggle has fallen into common use for those outside of the community.

don work for me legaly I am a pedestian

Im partial to “Normies”


The un-different?

The Herd?

oooh…I like that one

I call de m dodgers


The word for an individual with an extra digit is a polydactyl.

We could call them polycycloids, polycyclids or something like that. Someone who knows latin might be able to put the correct suffix on the word.

We could call them polynomials…
ok I’m sorry that was lame

I do use the word muggle to describe anyone who is not “in the know” of whatever I’m talking about…so, I vote for that!