Just got a Torker CX 24" in the mail 5 days ago.
First day on my Uni was 4 days ago. I spent 30 minutes total just teaching myself how to balance, while holding onto a wall.
Second day on my uni I spent 1 hour and 20 minutes total trying to get myself to do a few rotations off the wall, I managed to get about 200 feet by the end.
Third day on my uni I spent 30 minutes, mounting still using the wall, but it became easier and easier and I was able to go about 500 feet before falling.
Fourth day on my uni (today) I get fed up with having to walk somewhere to get on every time I would fall. So, tried free-mounting. (I would have tried doing it in the grass first, unfortunately the horses on the property ate all the grass, so I was forced to start on asphalt ) After about 30 minutes I was free mounting about every 10th try. After another 30 minutes I was able to free mount about every other time while maintaining a good 4-500 feet of rotations. It was awesome!!!
I am sooooo hooked!!!
And to think, I have never ridden a uni before in my life! (I had thought I had ridden one about 15 years ago when I was a kid, I talked to my brother the other day and it turns out that what he had was not a Uni, it was a skate bike).
I am so stoked! I can’t wait to hit the trails and start Muni-ing! Edit: When I get a Muni of course!