Woooo just did a 10km run

i just did the bridge to brisbane and i am absolutly rooted

pic of me finishing will be up soon

comments on other runs you guys have done

and no i didnt ride my uni

Do you run often?
I’m doing a marathon on March 1st.
I’m pretty scared.
But I like 10k’s, never done a formal one, but it’s a nice distance.

this is the firt major run i have done(i didnt train at all) and i did 10ks in 1 hour and 40 minutes

Sweet! I used to go on a 5-10k run every Sunday, and I’m just starting again. For the two years I have competed in an annual 15.5k run which almost cripples me, but leaves me feeling real good :smiley:

i can tottlat relate to beeing crippled :smiley:

but at the end we got a full of bread(food) and wine(drink) and i got to meet a readio personality

Whoohoo! Good on you! Soon you’ll be good on BOTH feet and wheel!

I’ve a 10k run coming up next week too… been running pretty often these days


see if you can beat my time

I don’t like running. Unicycling and bicycling is much more my style.

Congrats danster. :smiley:
1) I can’t wait to see the pics.
2) No biggie. Maybe next year then. :stuck_out_tongue:

It makes me out of breath just imagining running 10km! Well done, but can you beat that time on a unicycle* That would be cooler.

*only on a 20" otherwise its too easy!

That’s awesome. I hate running, and I get winded so easily when I run. I like unicycling more, so much less effort.

i did a half marathon a few years back and it was a blast. i don’t like to run anymore but i think a half marathon is a pretty fun distance.

i run cross country and we race 5k. but i can run 10k’s in less than fifty minutes.

i didnt do it on my uni cause they dont allow them

the guy who won did it in 30 minutes exactly

Wow that’s fast! the top guys in races here do it in about 35. I finish in about an hour

Which one is you?


WTF? Did I really type that? Excuse me while I go kill myself.

Um… which one are you?

pic will come on the 15th

I ran it too!!! Wasn’t it awesome? I had a blast. Soooo many people. I’ll definatly be back next year!!

B2B results are in the Sunday Mail today. I placed 2415th out of ~36000, thats in the top 6.7% :stuck_out_tongue: hehe. Official time of 49:23, my watch said 49:19 but i’m just happy it’s still under the 50min mark :slight_smile:

How’d you go Dan?