i have my first wisdom tooth coming in. it hurt for a bit as it came through the gum. then no pain for a couple of weeks. now it hurts if i chew over that side, yawn, open my mouth wide or puff my cheeks out (thats the worst one). is that normal or does this mean its growing in squint and hitting the tooth next to it? wikipedia doesnt cover any symptoms.
You wonder why so many people have them pulled? I’m pretty sure it’s because wisdom teeth suck.
I never got them, and never will, just dont have them
Me neither, but yes, I think it’s normal for them to hurt.
i dont have any wisdom teeth either… im also missing 1 of my 12 yr old molars… but i DID hav a random extra tooth just behind my front teeth in the shape of a hook that i had to get removed… i now have braces… so yer dont kno and never will know if wisdom teeth are meant to hurt;)
I’ve got two or three wisdom teeth. They only hurt while they were growing through the gum, after that they’ve been fine. I’m glad.
I don’t think I ever got my wisdom teeth either…or maybe it didn’t hurt so I didn’t really notice? Maybe they haven’t come in yet?
My dad had a tooth growing from the roof of his mouth (in the center of the hard palate) when he was a kid. Strangely enough…I think we have it in a box somewhere…
You’ll be happy when you get your braces off. I had them for ~2.5 years and I’m very happy with the results.
the wisdom teeth are 3rd molars. Count back from your K9 teeth:K9, two pre-molars, two actual molars, anything more than that are called wisdom teeth and grow in between ages of 17 and mid 20’s, usually only one per quarter of mouth if ya get what i mean.
Thanks elastoplastscavenger,
I now know that I don’t have my wisdom teeth.
yup its normal for wisdom teeth to hurt, this is one of the reasons that people have them removed.
I have 3 of my wisdom teeth and one of them hurts for a couple of days every 6 months or so. I have a big mouth and the hurt isn’t to bad so I never bothered having them removed.
Yeah I’m getting mine removed next moth and last week I went to an oral surgeon. You should make an appointment with one so they can look and them and then from what it sounds like later remove them because the longer you wait the more the roots grow and could end up attaching to nerves in your face. The nice thing about the surgery is that you don’t remember any of it!
I had mine taken out when i was 13. I looked like a chipmunk for two weeks
Yeah I’m going through that right now…my jaw’s been hurting every time I yawn and chew a certain way, but I’ve figured out ways of chewing so as not to make it hurt. I hope they’re almost done growing.
I had to have mine out, a few years ago, in my late teens. They were coming in crooked and pushing against the other teeth causing some pain. The other problem with them coming in crooked is that they start moving your teeth around in your mouth screwing up your bite. Badly impacted teeth can come in sideways causing all kinds of problems.
Solution, is removal by an oral surgeon. If you can have them done in the hospital, all the better. They put you out and then, (I’m not absolutely sure about this next part, because I was asleep) I think that the surgeon places his foot on your mouth while grabbing your teeth with a pair of giant pliers, he then bends the tooth back and forth, torqueing your jaw left and right until the tooth is extracted. On the really tough ones, I recall hearing something about a cold chisel and a ball pein hammer. He then repeats with the other 3 teeth. The top teeth usually come out pretty easily while the bottoms tend to come out in pieces. When you wake up, you’ll be pain free because of the pain killers, you’ll also have gauze in your mouth stuffed into the craters that used to be your teeth. If you’re lucky, the tooth fairy will have already been there and left money under your pillow. 4 teeth should earn you a pretty good windfall.
I dunno about oral surgeons that put you under, but I’ve had a molar pulled with just an overdose of Novacaine (and i think some gas just to relax me, it wasn’t meant to put me down) and they basically did what you said, twisted and pulled with some pliers until it was out. Bled like crazy, which was annoying cause half my mouth was dead. Hurt like hell when the Novocaine wore off, though.
I had a tooth pulled once when I was younger (pre-braces years) and I remember the N2O and some needle-type “computer” that they stuck into the roof of my mouth to measure different things. They put the mask on me first and then inserted the needle-type thing, which both applied the local analgesic and measured whatever it was that they were measuring.
I’ve asked some other people about my experience, but nobody else seems to have had the same needle-type “computer” inserted into their hard palate…
OMG! Maybe they inserted a tracking device?! goes to get tin-foil hat
Most people get them pulled because they hurt, they can grow in any which way, and can push your other teeth and make them crowd together, overlap, and leave with a “nice” set of teeth.
That being said, I had 5 of them pulled out a while ago. I even made a thread about it. lol