Many of you know that I just bought an old house.
First on my list was to strip all the loose wall paper off and paint the tenatious stuff just to brighten the place up while it is being re modeled. That was done a few weeks ago.
Next on the list is rearranging the kitchen so that there is room for the refridgerator in it. This entails taking out a wooden bar and island, moving the dryer to a different room, and moving the stove’s 220 outlet about a meter.
Most of the work could be pursued without hesitation, but the wiring had me rather frightened.
First I attempted to access the wiring through the crawl space. I have never been in such a creepy dismal place before. It is not a crawl space. It is a drag-yourself-on-your-belly-through-a-labyrinthine-channel-along-the-fine-dry-dirt-littered-with-fiberglass,-broken-light-bulb-shells,-nails,-and-loose-wires-and-ductwork space. I brought a dynamo driven flashlight which only emits a dim blue beam. Then I nearly got stuck. Seems that isn’t the way to get there. I Werggled backwards the 40’ back out of the basement. I felt like a trapped miner, really. I coughed from the dust for … .well I am still coughing.
I took a break, had a BBQ and reflected on the situation. One sawzall and a couple elbow-diameter holes in the kitchen floor later, problem solved. The wiring is done! The stove works! I am alive to tell the story.
I did have the main power to the house turned off through all this, of course.
I feel like I have triumphed. The next and last 220 will be wiring the dryer in its new location. this will not involve the crawl space.